Chapter IV: Sweetest Songs

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(A/N I wasn't a huge fan of his the last chapter played out, especially now that i'm reading things over again. It just doesn't flow well. I rewrote it. Here ya go!)

Maybe if I just let this happen, I might like it. Highly unlikely, but it never hurt to dream. Well... Actually I guess it does. When you wish for something so much, and you really want it, and you don't get it, it hurts. But that's not exactly pertaining to this.
He picked me up, as I let out a squeak, both curious and fearful as to what was going to happen. He kept on seeming to get bigger, but I couldn't figure out how. I felt like I was the size of a 4 or 5 year old compared to him now. It put things into perspective.
He brought me to what I believed was the living room, turning on the TV and setting me on his lap. I strained to watch whatever it was, hoping that it might give me a glimpse of where I was. Of what had happened.
I finally got to a semi-comfortable position, getting what I could of information from the TV. It was a news channel, and the station I hadn't recognised, but it was definitely on earth. It felt so weird; that something so peculiar could happen on Earth. Why hadn't we heard more of this kind of stuff in my hometown? Unless it hadn't been examined or... Ugh. It really seemed like this man wasn't planning on killing me, or even hurting me in any way. Truthfully, I felt both relieved and upset by that. Seeing as the only way to see my family again was to die, I started to wonder why I hadn't done so earlier. Was it because of my education? Of all the worthless effort I put into my music and studies? I knew I was bad at all of these things, but I still enjoyed them. I loved to learn. I loved music. I wish I could hear some of it again.
I heard something swirl around me. It was soft, but also strong. The man... He was singing... It was... He sang really pretty. His gentle words swam through me, singing a song long forgotten, yet very familiar.
"Hush mo stórín. Close your eyes and sleep. Waltzing the waves. Diving the deep. The stars are shining bright. The wind is on the rise. Whispering words of long lost lullabies..." I felt like I was drifting along on a wave, his gentle movements and his voice putting me to sleep. My eyes closed, and I heard his words, but not really. "Rollin.... Rollin..." My breathing, still feeling a little clouded and sharp, fell even as I was sent to a soft, but pleasurable sleep.

Pov change:
The man gently rocked her, standing, and finishing the song. "Sleep well my girl. You are my girl. You are my Ladybug, my little Strawberry, and my adorable Joan. I love you." He watched her sleep, heading to the nursery, placing her in the crib. She doesn't really respond... Perhaps... Perhaps that was his fault. He placed his thumb on her forehead, whispering a couple words. She needed her sleep. And he needed to finish baby-proofing the house. He kissed her forehead, then closed up the crib, locking it, and leaving the room, the lights turned off. He closed her door, turned on the security system, then left the house, knowing his baby girl was safe. He had things to finish getting. How bad had he wanted to make her smaller. That would make things so much easier. But she was fragile. If he made her smaller, then it would hurt her. It would make her body compress, and maybe even cause her to explode. No. This was the only way to have her really feel like a baby. He made everything larger one last time, including himself, knowing that she'd feel the size of a 1year old baby when she awoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2017 ⏰

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