chapter 14 - how i met her

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Bucky p.o.v

After putting her in a cell I couldn't tell if Raven would wake up or Nyx.I could tell she liked Bruce but it could just be a ploy to escape from the team and sheild. I just wish I knew her better.

~~~flashback 5 months ago~~~~
I just woke up from my nightmare of falling of the train on my mission with Steve then I remember the meteor and my search for Loki while with Hydra.

Flash back to mission

"Solider your mission is to find out about that meteorite struck I have done research and it may have a rare metal. And take all data from sheild about it" The commander says as I awoke from cryosleep

We were on a mission with the team to collect some shields plans and while doing that we heard what sounded like rockets but it was her .the meteorite landed about 2yards away. "Winter you new mission is to secure that meteorite."
"Sir yes sir."

As i secure the meteorite i hear a hissing sounds from it and some sort of door opens up.
"Control there is something coming out of the meteor . What are orders?" I ask placing my hands on gun.
"Don't fire act like we are here to help it . If it asks why it crashed it was shield and we saved it."

As the doors finish opening a girl begins to walk out looking confused and around the age 4 or 5.

"WHERE IS I. WHAT RELAM AM I ON. " she shouts. As I get closer I can she is is in some strange asgaudian like cloths.

"Calm down miss I am with hydra we are here to protect you. Can you remember anything. " I asked

" all I know is on my planet I am a God and my names are Hela and nyx but my father calls me his littlle Raven. What happened . Why am I hear."  She asked falling to the floor crying

"  You are on earth." As I said that she looks confused

"Wait do you mean midguard my uncle spoke of it often in his search for my father." She said crying  less

"Yes earth and my name is winter solider I am know as winter .  My team and I found you after sheild attacked you. I will protect you Raven. We will take you back to our base. " I said as I walked over to her.

As I do I inject her with a sleeping syringe and she falls asleep in an instance.

As we are leaving we heard thunder. "Thor." I wiper the  I hear my men saying that "the avengers and shield are coming. "

As we move out I can see what appears to be a shemera of green around the child and I hear thunder getting closer.

I  believe she will bring chaos and micheif to the world as a shattered star.
~~~End of flash back~~~

As I snap back to reality I realise who her father is and run to the meeting room.

The tribute at top Is called believer. I hope you enjoy this chapter please comment ideas and I does anyone know who her father is. I have tried to keep it for a revel but I'm not to good at writing. Please comment and vote. Thanks

Word count is 563 words.
I'll update soon bye

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