chapter 8 - lab descovery

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"Please don't " I whimpered then all of a sudden I see red and I'm back at the lab in hydra . "oh shit no please let me out" I screamed crawling into a ball.

Bruce p.o.v
As she said "please don't " there was a flash of red around her and suddenly she was on the floor screaming and crawling into a ball. As soon as that happens I drop the injection and rush to her trying to snap he out of this trance.
"Wanda did you do this?" I ask feeling some green climb up my neck.
"No I didn't. " Wanda replys while backing away from me.
"Friday, vision please scan her vitals and I need Pietro to carry her to lab. Once we there I need help to find what's wrong."
As soon as I said that Pietro carried her bridal style and we meet in the lab.
"Everyone out except Wanda, Loki , tony and vision." I yelled
Once everyone leaves Tony asks " why do you need Loki here." "Loki I need you and Wanda to enter her mind to help her and I need one of you to tell me wants happening to her. Vision and Friday how are her vitals?" I yell panicked
" heartbeat has elevated dramatical. " vision replys
"OK tony I need you to get a sedative to knock her out but don't use it until I say, Wanda tell her its okay and she needs to be calm." I say.

Wanda p.o.v
As Bruce told me I enter her mind to find two thing horrors worse than any of use have seen, and hazel and a strange person next to her tormenting her. I do what I think is best and attack them. Only to find when I blasted them both her and Hazel scream in pain and have the same mark. I them exit her mind.
"Bruce something is wrong the is another person with her but its not Loki or i and when I attacked they both yelled in pain." I say
"Loki what is that other person." Bruce asks
"It her other side, she has powers and they have there only personality." He responds
"OK Wanda get back in there and tell them both we are trying to help once you exit will give her the sedative and I'll take a blood test to she what she can do." Bruce responses
I enter again only to find hazel no longer crying.
"I must complete my mission or they will kill me." She yells as both her and the other women come closer.
"Who will kill you?" I ask as she pins me to a wall and strangles me.
"Hydra" she replys then I pass out.

Tony's p.o.v
Once Wanda goes back we here hazel mutter "Hydra" then Wanda passes out. I then inject the sedative and help Wanda."Bruce take the sample and we are locking her in a cell who knows what she'll do when she wake." I tell him
"Fine, but we don't know why she mentioned hydra yet, I think once Wanda wakes we will call a meeting." He says then walks off with the blood to the scanner.

"So much for a hot lab partner." I whisper as I head to the living room bar. After a glass I call a meeting." Fury I need you to come to a meeting concerning hazel as well as the team." I say through com's. "OK stark I'll be the in 10 minutes." He responds

Song at top is called animal's. Please comment and vote.

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