chapter 4 - meet the avengers

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"We're here now remember act normal and don't use you powers if we are detected hydra will get me to eliminate you." Ward said with a lot of fear in his voice.

No raven, ward doesn't get scared he's an agent for Lord sake he can't get scared. Emotions are weak. Now focus.

"I understand agent ward."

As we walk side by side I see huge building with fantastic architecture, if I do say so myself.
In front of the building are the avenger all of them.

Captain American aka Steve Rogers. He's In his iconic red, white and blue skintight outfit with his classic shield.

To the right Dr Bruce banner aka the hulk. Ha best not make him mad.

A man with a bow and arrow Clint Barton aka Hawkeye.
And next to him black widow and thor the "god of thunder" with his armor and his Red Cape and hammer.

And lastly I draw my eyes apon the so called " genius billionaire playboy philanthropist. Iron man." Ha yeah right.

"Quite down Nyx" I whisper to my darker side.
Just don't lose control . She says testing me

In front of the is the top spy, the best of the best and head of the enemy, Director Fury.
Best not make him furyious

"Miss Smith I have had agent ward bring you here today as you have joined shield as a hacker and will need to be shown around and as part of your mission as a hacker I have assigned the best to work with you. I am nick fury but you shall address me as director fury also meet the avengers. Also agent ward you are dismissed we will take it from here."

"Sir yes sir, good bye for now miss Smith. " ward says as he walks off as to not draw suspension.

They walk up to me one bye one.

"I am Captain American aka Steve Rogers ma'am." He says as I hand shake him and then he salutes.
"I am Clint Barton aka Hawkeye nice to see you." He says
" I am Natasha also known as black widow. Don't mess with me or else." She says trying to strike fear in me.
"I am Thor the "god of thunder". Its nice to meet you lady Hazel" he yells while hugging me.
"Can't breath." I whisper
"Thor let miss Smith down now also use your inside voice." Ironman says while he smirks at me.
He puts me down then says " what is this inside voice you speak of, is it important? "
"Never mind point blank also nice to see someone hot and cute, as you should know I am the genius billionaire playboy philanthropist. Tony stark also know as the one and only Iron man" he says smirking.

"Hi its nice to meet all of you and please call me hazel." I say acting shy.

"OK enough introductions please take her straight to the avengers tower." Fury says while walking off. "Also miss Smith welcome to shield and the avengers team."

"Wait what I thought I was only working at sheild."

"No we checked you profile and with some training you'll be an avenger soon like Natasha just not an assassin. You'll be a cute hacker and lab partner." Tony says guiding me to the quinjet

" th..think I'm cute." I say while blushing
"Stop this Raven and focus."
~ I am focused nyx I am acting for my cover now be quite. ~

"Shall we leave brother tony." Thor asks while slapping Tony's back. ~ouch~

"Yes let's go she has a tower to explore and the other avengers to meet. " he responds as we enter the jet.

OK hope you enjoyed this chapter please comment and vote thanks and I'll post next on soon. Also I have only seen the Thor movies and the first avengers movie and iron man but it takes place after and the avengers from age of ultron are in it and Pietro isn't dead. I haven't see that one yet but I know most of it plot. OK please enjoy.also when raven is thinking its slanted writing and has ~ next to it as nyx is slanted and in "quotes".
The song is called century's.

Fallen  - hyrdas secret weapon (Under Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora