Chapter 2

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"Try again? Try again?!" I was welcomed by a fit of total irritation after I told Josie what Colton said. She was freaking out over the fact that Colton Andrews, the supposed love of her life, rejected her lowkey.

I don't understand why Colton reacted like he finds it amusing that Josie likes him. They shared a couple of classes before and I'm pretty sure he knows her and he sees her, Josie even chose to sit across from him in our Geometry class to get a good look of him, so why was he acting like Josie was a total stranger?

"I told you. We're wasting our time on him." I hate to rub the I-told-you-so fit to her face but I just did. I've been telling her to move on from Colton already but she just keeps on barking up the wrong tree. This has been going on for two straight years now.

"But maybe he was just a little bit drunk to even realize what he was saying. Let's give him another shot, Caddie. Please." Josie looked up to me with such desperation and exhaustion in her voice.

Should I tell her that Colton was drinking Coke?

"I'm going home" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag on the table in front of us when Josie held my wrist, "Caddie, come on! Just get me on a date with Colton and if it doesn't work out, I'll never crush on him ever again." she anxiously waited for my response while Bree and Kat were staring at me as well.

I know Josie too damn well to know that she's never going to give up Colton. I've seen this a million times and I feel like I'm only repeating earlier scenarios in my head of when Josie promised on her grandmother's grave that she is getting over Colton Andrews and she never did.

Poor grandma.

"Caddie?" she held on to me tighter.

If this is the only way to teach Josie a lesson about how Colton Andrews is not all that, then I'm in for it.

"Fine," Josie cheered and was getting up to hug me again when I continued, "but if this doesn't work out, pinky promise me you'll move on from him." I pointed my pinky finger at her and waited for her to take it.

"Pinky promise" she smiled and pinky swore. 

We're in one hell of a ride.


"Honey, will you please slow down with the early morning sugar? It's bad for you." I was welcomed by my mother's rambling as I was pouring almost half the bottle of maple syrup on the stack of pancakes she cooked. 

See, my mother has always had this fascination on planning out my whole diet for me. She thinks I need to drink more water instead of coffee because she believes it's awfully just right to be that kind of healthy. I never really follow these "rules," if that's what she calls it and I never really got in trouble for not following them, except when I eat too much Mexican food, she said it gives me bad gas and she hates the smell of it.

Well, I can't blame her.

"What? I got the whole day." I groaned as I sliced a piece of my pancake.

"Good morning, sweetie." My dad planted a kiss on my forehead before getting himself a piece of bread on the dining table, "Now, what's all this rambling about again?" He sat across from where I was sitting and started flipping pages of the daily newspaper, freshly out of our mailbox. 

"Just mom stuff." I shrugged, sarcastically.

"Ah! Caddie! Please, phones off the table!" God, what is it with moms and phones.

I was about to return a sarcastic comeback when the doorbell rang. "I got it." I rolled my eyes before getting up from my seat.

Upon opening the door, I was surprised to see the tall figure standing in front of our house. What's he doing here? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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