Chapter 12: The Retrieval

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I smirked again," She won't be for awhile, but that's not what I'm here for."  I replied.

Her head cocked to the side, her silver eye blinked in confusion, "What do you mean by that, Mr. Cipher?" Amelia asked me.

"Something you don't need to worry your little head about." I replied, tapping her head before I floated around her kitchen.

I pulled open her fridge to see if Veronica had an good food. Before I could find anything, her slave came up and slammed the door shut.

"Mr. Cipher, what are you doing here?" She asked me, still trying to be polite. In reply to that, I rolled my eyes.

"For what's mine," I said in a plain tone. Her hand was still intact with the fridge door, and I realized that it had changed.

Amelia's hand had become white metal, with some wires underneath the white panels. Some buttons shone on the panels as well.

"I see she gave you a new arm, what did you do this time?" I asked while looking at her.

She pulled her hand away as if it were an instinct," It was a mere accident, now tell me why you're here." Her voice getting a little louder as she pulled her hand to her chest.

"Did she add anything else?" I asked curiously," Like a new leg?" I pegged her, glancing at her leg.

Amelia lifted up the bottom of her skirt to show the white metal that covered her left leg. My eyes widened in shock," Well you must of messed up big time."

"Another mere accident, now tell me why you are here." Amelia demanded, before slipping the skirt back down. I could see her hand getting closer to her hip, she probably has a weapon on her.

"Oh you gotta give me more than 'a mere accident'." I say with air quote gestures.

"I may or may not have killed someone really close to her.." Amelia mumbled under her breath," But that's in the past, I need to know why you're here!"

I rolled my eyes again," I already told you, Ames." This was getting annoying, I wanted to find my shooting star.

"Where is Mabel? I know you know where your Mistress keeps her." I questioned.

Her one human eye showed fear whilst her other eye, which was cybernetic, showed nothing.

"That is classified," she replied in what seemed like a monotone voice. This was getting on my nerves.

A sigh of disappointment left my mouth," Fine, then come follow me." I said whilst walking away. I could almost feel her hesitate but she followed me anyway.

We made our way through the long hallways and down a flight of stairs until I got where I wanted to go.

I opened the double black doors but didn't walk in. Amelia hesitantly kept walking into the room. Another sigh escaped my lips as I grabbed her arm.

A scream came from Amelia's mouth as she was held over many boiling pots of acid, couple thousand feet below. She was almost horizontal to the pots of acid, which could end her existence.

"M-mr...Cipher.. what are you doing?" She mumbled, her bottom lip trembling.

"What was that?" I asked as I slowly loosened my grip on her metal hand.

"LET ME GO!" She shrieked.

"If you say so," I scoffed, as my hand continued to slip.

Amelia shrieked again, and it surprised me how much human she had still in her. "That's not what I meant!" She yelled.

A smirk appeared on my lips," Then where is she, Ames?" I asked one more time.

"I can't tell you!" She shouted, and I inched her closer and closer. Both of her feet slipped, having her hanging by my hand. Another scream escaped her lips.

"How about now? I know there's still some mortal in you," A smirk was still on my lips.

"She's downstairs, take a left then go down a corridor. Take your first right, her cell should be right across the creature cells!!" Amelia shrieked as she tried to climb up.

I pulled her up quickly, throwing her to my side, where she ended up on the ground. Her breathing began to slow down, you could hear her sensors begin to wind down.

"Took you long enough!" I sneered before snapping my fingers. I appeared somewhere near where Amelia told me.

I passed multiple doors and went down many hallways before making my way to Mabel. A small whimper could be heard down the hall and I quickly ran towards it. Small cries were along with it.

Between many thin black bars, I could see brown hair that looked a little bit messy.

"Shooting Star..?" I barely breath out. Her hair was a mess, her purple sweatshirt was torn at the bottom and she had a hole in her leggings.

Mabel's brown eyes looked up with a glimmer of hope. "Bill..? What are you doing here..?" She asked quietly.

"I'm coming to get you..." I said before moving closer to the bars.

She sniffles and wipes some tears away with her sweatshirt sleeve," But why?" Is all Mabel said. I was a little shocked.

She looked down," If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be in this mess."

"What do you mean, shooting star?" I asked her.

She took a deep breath before speaking,"If I hadn't tried to escape, I wouldn't be here, same with you." My shooting star sighed once more before looking at me.

"Shooting star," my hand cupped her chin through the bars,"I care about you and that's why I'm here, it's alright that you tried to run. I'm sorry for taking you, and I know you probably don't feel the same about caring for me." I whispered.

Tears streamed down her face," what she said true?" She asked.

"What did she say?" I asked her.

"That I'm your prized possession, the king is not king without his Queen," Mabel said quietly, looking me in the eyes.

I smiled," You are much more than a prized possession to be won to me, you are my Shooting star and that is something so much more,"I said to her.

A smile appeared on Mabel's lips but only for a second," But she said I'm getting in the way...and you shouldn't worry about me," she started to shake a little bit before backing away.

I quickly snapped my fingers, sending me into the cell with her. My arms wrapped around her shaking body, pulling her closer to me. When she realized what I had done, hesitantly her arms wrapped around my waist.

"I won't let her hurt you," I kissed her forehead," Now I need to get you out of here." I said to her before snapping my fingers.

I had snapped the chains off her hands and she quickly grabbed her bag that was on the table. Snapping them again, the metal gate creaked open before us and we walked out.

"Let's go." I said, walking towards a portal I had placed a little while earlier. Mabel grasped onto my hand as we walked through the glowing portal.

Walking back into my mansion, I picked her up into a bridal style hold.

"Bill..." she began.

"Shhh. Just go to sleep.." I said before waving my hand over her head. Mabel's eyes closed as I walked towards her room. Placing her on the bed, I pulled the covers over her.

I began to walk out, but I turned back. Mabel looked so peaceful and cute as she slept. Shutting the lights off, I shut the door behind me.


Word count: 1775

I know it's short, but I needed to update badly😬 hope all you Mabill shippers are happy!

-Alexandra xoxo

Hello Shooting Star || A Mabill fanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora