Chapter 16: The Calm Before the Storm

Start from the beginning

Ieyasu snorted. "So you're saying that Aniki should be Vongola Decimo instead of me? I won't letting you!" He seethed, earning him a pinch to his ears.

"You're really stupid, Dame-yasu. You're letting your temper get the best of you. I am you tutor and my job is to make you the boss, even if I don't want to. I'm merely giving you a lesson." Reborn said. "And you still need to get your guardians. There might be danger soon."

Ieyasu calmed down and looked at the three. He knew all of what Reborn said and he knew his brother's potential. That's why that incident happened in the past. Speaking of guardians, his father also said to get them as soon as possible because of something dangerous.

"Hey, you're gonna come too, right, Iey-kun?" Tsuna suddenly asked when he saw his brother in the midst of deep thinking.

Ieyasu was startled at first at the sudden attention, but agreed and nodded nonetheless. Maybe, just maybe, he could get another chance with them. It was only for a short time anyway.

On the other hand, Reborn smirked as if he read what his student was thinking, but frowned afterwards when he remembered the unsolved questions. He still needed to know who the mist-user controlling Ieyasu was and confirm about Tsuna's so-called family. If the family he suspected was right, then there was a really a big problem. Reborn tilted his fedora to shadow his eyes. The possible outcome was going to be very ugly. 'What are you going to do, Iemitsu, Nono?'


-Sawada Household-

"I'm home, Mom!" Ieyasu greeted his mother as he entered his home after this tiring day. What greeted him though was the scent of what his mother was cooking.

"Welcome home, Ikkun!" Nana greeted back and popped her head out of the kitchen to see her son before going back to cook. She had been cooking non-stop after hearing that her husband was coming back home again.

Ieyasu blushed when he heard what his mother called him and ran towards the kitchen. "Mom! How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that? I'm already 16!"

"I know, but I miss the times when you called yourself that! Ikkun!" Nana smiled and continued her cooking.

Ieyasu, a little bit irritated at the name calling, suddenly made a little outburst that would make him regret. "Tsuna-aniki was the one who named me that!" Then, he suddenly realized what he said. 'Oh shit! Bad move.'

Nana suddenly stopped chopping the vegetables and looked at Ieyasu with that creepy smile of hers. "Who did you say, Ieyasu?"

Ieyasu backed away and was now sweating bullets. When his mother called him by his full name, then that meant danger. Sure, he was a bad boy, but his mother was much more evil than him. Ever since Nana came home one day from shopping, she suddenly started crying and threw a fit. Ever since that day, no one would speak the name Tsuna again. It was like he had completely vanished from the household. Even his pictures were burned. The only ones left were kept by Ieyasu. "N-Nobody, Okaa-san."

Nana's creepy smile began to falter and turned back into a sweet one, but her grip on the knife tightened. "Good. I thought I heard you say that name again. Now, do you want to eat? There's plenty of food and it's almost dinner time. You should call the others, too!'

Ieyasu eagerly nodded and left the kitchen as quickly as possible. He didn't want to deal and defy his angry mom for the time being. Thank goodness he didn't mention what happened today or what would happen tomorrow. Now, to find a certain cow.

After Ieyasu left the kitchen, Nana just stared at the leaving figure before dropping the knife and fell to her knees, crying. Reborn saw this, of course, and wondered. Nana was now the only one who had yet to recognize Tsuna as her own son and was in the same family. But judging from her actions, there was still more to the story than what was being told and heard. Just what happened in the past to make not only her, but the whole family like this? It was already more than a broken family.

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