Not a Horrible Father

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Hiccup came back home after five suffering hours, feeling as though he would pass out any second. All of the "Meals" the kids had fed him had turned his stomach vigorously, and three times now he had dove behind a building and some bushes to empty the contents of his stomach. Thankfully no one had noticed, and he had been able to carry on with his work until now, when the village had settled enough for him to go home.

He opened the door and was instantly met with a smell of a cooked meal of vegetables a mutton.
Now typically, Hiccup would be happy to be met with a meal that he knew his eldest had made, but today, it only turned his stomach. So much so, that he couldn't even try to eat and pretend to be okay. Besides, he didn't want to face his kids, who clearly were unhappy with him.

"I've got your spot over here, Dad." Alexis said, gesturing to a spot inbetween hers and Astrid's.
Hiccup paled. "I'm sorry sweetheart, I-I can't stay. I have...uh, I have to do some work, upstairs." He said, and tried to look of disappointment. She was already upset with him he was sure, and he knew he was making it worse, But he just couldn't stay.
"Can't stay down even for dinner? Hiccup I don't want you overworking yourself, babe, Come eat."  Astrid said.
The thought alone of eating, and with all of his kids staring hatefully at him? He couldn't bear it. Not to mention the thought of food at all, nearly made him gag; So much so, that he had to put a fist to his mouth so he didn't vomit there and then.
He shook his head and said quietly to her, "I-I'm not feeling quite myself, Ast, I-I need to go upstairs. If you don't want me to work, I won't b-but I can't stay."
Astrid put a hand to his forehead which was most certainly warm.
"Alright, please go lie down. I'll be up as soon as these guys are done, Okay? I'll even bring them up if you'd like." She told him, knowing he'd enjoy the time with his kids.
Tears welled in his eyes, but he blinked them away, hoping Astrid would think it was due to his sickness. "N-No, Let them play, They wouldn't want to be bothered by that." He said before kissing Astrid's cheek and going upstairs.
Astrid was surprised, and knew that he definitely wasn't just sick. There was something else going on too,  she just didn't know what; but boy would she find out.
As soon as dinner was done, Astrid made her way upstairs and was shocked to find Hiccup was laying in bed, crying.
Astrid rushed over to him and crouched down next to him, putting her hand to his back.
"Hiccup? What's wrong? Why are you crying, Babe?" She asked, highly concerned.
Hiccup turned over to face her, tears falling down his cheeks.
"The kids hate me. I'm a horrible father and everyone knows it." He said.
Astrid looked at him in utter shock. "What are you talking about? They most certainly don't hate you."
"Yes they do, I'm never around, I never do anything with them. I-I'm always working and they're always here. Even if they go out into the village I don't see them. They're growing up before I can blink and I don't even get to witness it, Astrid. They hate me. I promised myself I'd never leave them alone, I wouldn't be like my father was, And today alone proved that I'm doing just that." He said, coughing into the crook of his shoulder. While he didn't feel too nauseous any more, He was still  warm, and his throat was scratchy from all of the earlier vomiting.
Astrid put her hand to his cheek in sympathy. "Hiccup, I know it's hard not being able to be with them, But they understand that you're busy. They get that you're working so they can live in their happy village. If you weren't chief, weren't working, this village would be chaos, and they'd never get to play or do the things they love to do daily. And they understand that. They know you're trying your hardest, and you do whatever you can to be with them. You've never once missed a birthday, or Snoggletog; And you spend every free moment you have with them, or do something for them. It isn't your fault that you get busy, babe."
"I just wish I could do more with them. Alexis said it herself today, I'm never here and I don't ever do anything with them. I wish I could fix that."
"Baby you're worrying too much. You know she doesnn't mean that. Yes, she gets frustrated sometimes because she misses you, but she really does love you. They all do." Astrid said.
Hiccup sighed and rolled onto his back.

Astrid knew he wasn't going to believe her unless he had proof. So, proof she would give. "I'll be right back." She said, standing up and going downstairs.
Only a few minutes later his kids walked in, instead of Astrid.
Alexis led them, carrying Grace, followed by Andre and Finn.
Alexis sat Grace down on the bed, before climbing on herself and sitting next to her father, whom had sat up when he saw the kids walk in. Lexi sat next to her father and leaned her head on his arm. Finn sat in front of her, Andre sat to the side of them and Gracie climbed into Andre's lap.
Alexis was the first to speak. "I love you, Daddy." She said quietly. "I'm sorry we weren't very nice to you today. It wasn't worth it for all the chocolate in the world. I'm sorry." She said, keeping her head on his side, as he had wrapped his arm around her.
"We're all sorry. We love you and we miss you lots." Finn said.
"But missing you, makes the days that you are here, a lot more fun, because it's special." Andre continued.
"Love! Daddy better than chocolate."
They chuckled at her comment and Hiccup smiled. "I love you all too. And I'm sorry I can't be here more than I am. But I promise I'm trying as much as I can, and I'll try even harder every day to get to see you all."
"But don't try too hard. You don't need to do to much work." Andre said.
"You do a lot, And while we miss you, We'd rather see you throughout the day, than laying in bed sick and tired." Alexis said.
Hiccup kissed her head. "Thank you, my love. Thank you, all of you. I'm so lucky that I get to have such amazing kids you all."
"And we're lucky to have you as our daddy." Finn said.
He gave each of his kids a big hugs and kiss before smiling at each of them.
"Hey daddy, Could you tell us another story? Something about you and mommy?" Alexis asked, not wanting to leave her father.
Hiccup smiled. "Sure thing. Just let me think..."
Hiccup grinned when he got an idea and started his story, One from his years on Edge, knowing those stories were ones the kids loved the most.
"This day was filled with many crazy surprises, a new dragon, and a returning villain."
The kids looked at him eagerly, not wanting to wait another moment to hear the story.
"It all started on a typical, sunny day on Edge."
Two hours had past after Astrid had sent the kids up, and no one had come down. In the past half hour, it had also got significantly quieter too.
Astrid walked upstairs quietly, and walked into her room to find everyone was sound asleep.
Astrid smiled at them, glad to see how happy they all looked. Alexis was cuddling with her father, Andre was lid on his back next to her, Finn at their feet, his arm wrapped around Grace protectively.
Astrid smiled happily, wishing she could somehow save the moment forever, and not just in her mind.

She was about to leave to lie down in one the kids rooms, when she saw Grace starting to move. Not wantng the others to wake, she carefully picked up Grace, who quickly relaxed in her mother's arms.
Finn however, felt the movement and he too began to wake. "Mommy?" He asked groggily, starting to sit up, the wodden bed creaking underneath his movement.
"Shh, I'm here. Come on, Let's not wake the others." Astrid said, quietly, taking her son's hand.
"Too late, Mom." Andre said, rubbing at his eyes, having now sat up.
Astrid sighed. So much for letting them sleep.
She looked over at Alexis, who was still soundly sleeping with her father, so Astrid quickly got Finn, Andre and Grace out of the room and off to bed.
Once all kids were sleeping in bed, she went back to her husband and daughter and smiled, laying in bed next to them.
She was glad that they had all made up and that they were happy once again.
She kissed Hiccup on the cheek and Alexis on the forehead, before lying down and snuggling with the two and going to sleep herself.

While the day had been more chaotic then she had intended, It seemed it was something they all needed, And it would certainly be a day that they'd remember for quite a while too. 

A/N: So, That's the end! Heh....Sorry, It's, not my best work....I want to get better at writing,. honestly! I want to try out different things, and see if, Maybe I can do something better? I, really don't know, Some feedback, and constructive criticism is MORE than welcome right now, because I have no idea what I'm doing XD 

(Just a note, if there's a load of spelling mistakes, or this chapter/the previous chapter doesn't show up properly, Let me know, Wattpad was kinda messing up while I was tidying this up and wasn't completely saving properly so, Yeah, Sorry about that.)

Anyways, I think that's really all for now, I'll see you all in the next one! 


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