1. Henry (imagine)

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Hey guys I was putting this off cause I didn't want to disappoint anyone but I promised to do it as soon as I could....so here I go


Summer was over, school beginning and Ari was NOT feeling it.
The reason you ask? 2 words, Henry Bowers.
The mullet wearing asshole has been harassing her since who knows how long.
She doesn't know why though?
Had she done something wrong to make him mad?

When Ari walked into school the first thing she saw was Henry's gang hanging by the lockers.
Keeping her head low she kept walking, hoping that none of them would notice her.
But of course they did...

"YO BITCH" Henry yelled grabbing her arm rather harshly.
She let out a quiet "ow" from his harsh grip and surprisingly he loosened his grip a bit.
Ari looked up at the boy with fearfully eyes "y-yes?" She stuttered, she was practically shaking.

"With me, NOW" he said and started dragging her to the exit.
The rest of the gang tried to follow but he told them (or ordered them) to "fucking scram".
Ari tried to pull back, not wanting to go with him at all. "B-but henry m-my class is s-s-starting" She stuttered, desperately trying to get away from him.

"You think I give a shit about your fucking classes? HAH that's funny" once outside he slammed her into the wall, putting his hands on either side of her, trapping her against the wall. "I fucking hate you, you know that?" Anger bubbled inside Ari's belly, she barely even talked to him, so why did he hate her so much?! "F-f-fuck you henry! I never d-did anything to you!! Why do you h-hate me s-s-so much? Tell me! C-cause I h-h-have no fucking clue!! She quickly slapped her hands over her mouth, SHIT she thought, now I'm definitely dead.

Henry glared at her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her to him. "You wanna know why I fucking hate you so much?!"
"I hate your stupid attitude! I hate your fucking cute-ass stutter! I hate the way your hair looks almost gold in the fucking sun! I hate the way those stupid hazel eyes keep looking up at me in fucking fear! I hate that whenever I want to fucking punch you I can't cause it fucking hurts myself! UGH I HATE THAT I LOVE YOU!!!"

He stood in front of her panting, her hands who were in his grasp are now covering her mouth. She didn't know what to say...he loved her? But he made life so difficult for her.
As if reader her mind he begun to speak again "I-I know that I was fucking awful to you, I guess I just didn't want people to find out, or maybe I wanted to convince myself that I didn't love you....but I do...fuck Ari I DO love you, SO much
A-and I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry for being such an asshole"

Ari was nearly in tears, all those times he was so mean to her? Cause he loved her?
"H-Henry...I-I-I don't know what to s-say...."
Henry sighed and backed away from her "You don't have to say anything, I'll leave you alone from now on"
Ari quickly grabbed his arm "N-NO! Don't g-go. I-I think I l-l-like you too henry...I guess I n-never did a-a-anything to stop you b-because of it..."

Ari was looking down trying to hide her blush.
Before she could say anything else she felt a pair of lips attacking her own. She shut her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Breaking apart Henry looked in her eyes "be mine?"
The desperation is his eyes was almost cute.
Giggling the girl replied. "I'd love to henry"
Grinning he went back and gave her a gently kiss.

And so for the rest of the day they skipped school
Kissing, laughing, just being....happy.

Okay so I hope y'all liked this
I hope the requester like this
I'm sorry it's so fucking long, I got carried away

It's my first fic ever so don't be to hard on me pls
Peace out.

Bowers gang imagines, preferences and headcannonsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن