Your ( Demon ) Mate

Start from the beginning

Clothing Style- As a human, he usually wears jean shorts that are usually above his knee and baggy shirts or sweatshirts, but sometimes wears skinny jeans or a nice shirt. He almost always has his combat boots on. His demon wolf form has gold gauntlets.


Second tattoo, left forearm, right next to the lone wolf one

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Second tattoo, left forearm, right next to the lone wolf one

Second tattoo, left forearm, right next to the lone wolf one

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Third tattoo, left forearm, on the right of the fire symbol

First and fourth tattoo, first one on his left arm on the left of the fire symbol, the last one on his right hip

First and fourth tattoo, first one on his left arm on the left of the fire symbol, the last one on his right hip

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Piercings- Ears pierced, only wears his black studs

Species- "I'm a normal human!" He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. ( demonic werewolf )

Powers- "Eh..." ( Shift into a wolf, shift into a demonic wolf, in his demonic wolf form he can control water, wind, and can mind link people. This is because he has three tails, so he was given three powers from the lunar goddess )

Personality- "Well, it really depends on my mood." ( Shadow is quite the introvert and a bit shy and socially awkward when you first get to meet him, but he quickly warms up to people. He's sensitive and can be quite depressed at times whenever he thinks he did something wrong or hurt somebody. He's very kind and caring towards others, even strangers, and very loyal to his friends. He can be very childish at some points, but will get serious and assume command if needed as he was a luna's son. He's quite the fanboy and tends to ramble a lot when he's nervous. While he usually is open with his feelings, there are some times where he can be completely emotionless. )

Likes- "You'll just have to find out." ( Chocolate, yaoi, Sprite, anime, reading, books, friends, family, food, desserts, movies, ranting, sleeping, music, cuddles. )

Dislikes- "Find out." ( Bullies, homophobes, working, being stressed, homework, school, and death, currently mating season )

Fears- Losing everyone he cares for, fire ( this is a huge one ), and not being able to control his demon side )

Flaws- "I'm really clumsy and trip a lot... heh..." ( He's too sensitive sometimes, jumps to conclusions, and wants to help when he know he can't, he also disobeys at times. )

Background- "Well... um..." ( Shadow lived in a pack of werewolves like himself called the Sun Pack and he was the luna's ( a female alpha ) pup. He had an older brother named Sebastian, a younger sister named Crescent, a mom named Celia, and a dad named Clark. He was the runt of his family though, being the smallest despite being the middle child.

When he was five he met a girl from the Moon Pack, another pack of werewolves, who was four years older than him named Minako. These packs we're allies. Every solar eclipse they'd go to the Sun Pack, and every lunar eclipse they'd go to the Moon Pack. Also these two packs mixed a lot during mating season. Anyways, him and Minako became best friends and still are.

When he was seven his dad cheated on his mother and was stripped of his rank, mate, and pups, and now had the worst rank. This was really hard on Shadow as he loved both his mom and his dad. And at nine Sebastian grew sick, he had heart problems and so he couldn't become alpha, and in his stead Shadow was raised to become the alpha of their pack and received

At ten years old exorcists lit the forest, killing almost every single demon werewolf and regular werewolf in the pack. All except for little Shadow. He ran away, now a rogue, and lived on his own for a year. That's when Minako found him after being kicked out of her pack for being too wild, and the two blended in with the humans. Shadow went to high school and homeschooled himself the other years, and Mina didn't go to school at all.

In high school Shadow met Ethan, his friend and boy friend for almost four years until they broke up. He was the golden boy raised by strict parents and a werewolf protector. He can mask their scents. Then it was Zane, an emo who he met in drama club. A shadowknight. Then the last person in their little 'pack' was Nico, a demigod who he met since they both worked at the library.

Ethan and Shadow went out from his freshman year to senior, but afterwards Shadow lost interest and they broke up on good terms, considering that they're still friends. )

~Celia Heart; mother; deceased
~Clark Heart; father; deceased
~Sebastian Heart; older brother; 'deceased' ( He's alive but missing ); 23
~Crescent Heart; younger sister; deceased
~Minako Sugashi; best friend; alive; 22
~Ethan Reyes; friend; ex boyfriend; alive; 22
~Zane Ro'Meave; friend; alive; 20
~Nico Di Angelo; friend; alive; 18

Addictions- Sweets, anime, reading

Occupation- Working almost every day full time at a library, captain of the SC's adult swimming club for 18-25 year olds

Other- He is a male omega, can get pregnant, a rogue, and is a virgin

Setting- Present Day/ Seattle, Washington/ December 21 ( This is the day the scenario starts )


You were the alpha of the pack that was close by. You've heard of two rogue wolves in the area, but didn't go after them as they didn't cause harm. Anyways, you were walking into a bookstore since you needed a new one, and you always bought yours in case anyone else from the pack wanted to read it and could take your time. You walked to your favorite section when you caught the scent of him, your mate. Everyone has one true mate, and normally they find it, But you had been worried, not wanting to take a mate that was rejected by theirs just to have an heir for the pack. Taken by surprise, you stayed still before turning the corner where you saw your mate for the first time, Shadow, who was stocking some new books that came in that morning. You didn't recognize him from your pack, so you knew he had to be one of the rogues. He was still too, as if he had caught the scent of his mate as well, which was you.

Knowing deep in your soul that he was your mate and you had to make him yours before anyone else did, you?

~ Alpha of a nearby pack
~ Werewolf
~ Seme

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