The Young Paladin

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Name- "Eh? Paladin Yushi, or at least that's what you're supposed to call me." ( Sai Yushi )

Name Meaning-
~ Sai ( Persian; Saint )
~ Yushi ( Indian; Popular around )

Age- "Oh, I'm twenty one. Young for a paladin I know..."

Birthday- "It just passed actually." ( June 1 )

Sexuality- "Why do you want to know? Don't you start falling for me." He chuckled a bit. ( Gay )

Position- "Shouldn't you get to know me first...?" ( Seme )

Appearance- "Well hot of course!"

Faceclaim- Genderbent Shura Kirigakure from Ao no Exorcist

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Faceclaim- Genderbent Shura Kirigakure from Ao no Exorcist

Description- Sai has dyed light pink hair with blonde tips, though his natural hair color is a light brown color. His eyes are violet, though they are colored contacts and his original eye color is brown as well. He has pale skin and a lean but fit body type, and he is 6'0" in height.

Clothing Style- He usually wears the standard issue exorcist uniform while working, but at home or out with his friends he simply wears jeans and tank tops, sometimes he's shirtless.

Tattoos- The one on his chest

Piercings- None

Species- "Hm? I'm an exorcist, and we're human."

Powers- None

Personality- Sai, at work, is very serious and gets his job done swiftly and efficiently whether it's infiltrating a secret organization or taking down a mob of demons. Though he is serious at work, he still works well with others and knows how to lead and how to negotiate or command. When he's off work he's very laid back and lazy, completely opposite from his strict and serious work self. He's a good listener and knows how to cheer people up. He can be quite the flirt with his lover, enjoying making him flustered whoever he may be.

Likes- "Exorcising demons, eating, cooking, target practice, my babies ( his guns ), my friends, almost every tv show and anime I've watched, reading."

Dislikes- "Eh, bullies and demons, but some demons are cool like my familiar!" ( Being rejected )

Fears- "I fear nothing! Haha." ( Being rejected, messing up, Satan )

Flaws- When he's put under too much pressure he will crack, which is the only time when he's not reliable. While he appears to be perfect, he's actually very insecure and has second thoughts on almost everything.

Background- Sai got his demon temptate at a very young age, and since then he would read about demons, much to his parents dismay, to better understand and hopefully make the demon leave him alone. It wasn't until he was twelve when he heard that exorcists were actually real and he worked to become one at the cram school while also going to regular grade school. He was an official exorcist at fifteen and steadily climbed the ranks at a remarkable pace until he was recently made paladin, just a few days before his twenty first birthday.

~Mother ( alive )
~Father ( alive )
~Shyla- familiar ( alive )

Family/Friends- ~Mother ( alive ) ~Father ( alive ) ~Shyla- familiar ( alive )

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Addictions- Nothing, he can show restraint quite easily

Occupation- Paladin of the Vadacin

Living- Apartment near headquarters

Other- He falls in love easily

Scenario!~ One

Setting- Present day, Vadacin main headquarters, Sai and Y/N's apartment

You were Sai's right hand man, his secretary, assistant, partner on the job, and best friend. You two have known each other ever since that first year of cram school and from then on you've been inseparable. Sure, you were a little jealous when Sai became paladin, but you overcame it quickly. After all he deserved it more than anyone.

However you've liked Sai more than all of those things, you wanted him as a lover, a boyfriend, someone to hold you and comfort you in the long nights you spent alone in your bed. However he remained completely oblivious to your crush.

One day, you came back from grocery shopping and went to your room to see Sai asleep on your bed, murmuring things you couldn't hear from where you were.

~ Uke
~ 18 or older
~ Average Exorcist
~ You guys are best friends and live together

Scenario!~ 2

Setting- Modern Day, Cram School

You were patiently waiting in your demonology class, waiting for the new teacher to show up. You've hardly heard anything about him, except when Yukio spoke fondly of him, so you suspected that this guy was trustworthy. You never expected the paladin himself to show up and introduce himself.

"Now that I've said hello to you all, I'll be taking roll call. Please stand up when your name is called and tell me why you want to be an exorcist." He smiled before beginning to recite names.

~ Uke
~ 16-18
~ Student at both the cram school and the normal high school

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