One Hell of a General- I Mean Model!

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Name- "My fellow demons call me Rey... what's yours, love?~" ( Reyna Synca )

~Reyna ( queen )
~Synca ( Unknown )

Nicknames- Rey, Queen, General, S***, Omega

Age- "I'm immortal sweetheart~" ( Nineteen, immortal )

Birthday- Why do you need to know that?" ( December 25 )

Sexuality- "Hmm... That's a toughie." He stated sarcastically with a roll of his eyes. ( Gay )

Position- "I'm sure you'll find that you want me writhing under you." ( Uke; Omega )

Appearance- "Can you not see me love?~ Such a shame." He snickered.

( Minus the horns and his eyes are normal )

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( Minus the horns and his eyes are normal )

Description- Rey has pure white hair that flows down his back, somehow always tangle-free no matter what he's doing, and straight with the exception of a few waves. His skin is a pale ivory, unblemished smooth skin. His eyes are a light purple, with long dark lashes to accent them and perfect, dark brown eyebrows instead of white. He's 5'6" in height, with a lean build. He's got subtle curves, and his body is seemingly perfect. Well, that's all a big fat lie. He uses a spell to make himself look that way, to look perfect when in reality he's not. He wears contacts, though his eyes are actually purple because he needs glasses. He has quite a few freckles, especially under his eyes and across the bridge of his nose. He has multiple scars as well, most of them focused on his wrists and forearms.

Clothing Style- Around other people, he uses his perfect body to his advantage in every single way. Reyna will wear tight clothing, something he knows for a fact that compliments him and keeps the boys, sometimes girls, interested. If he ever wears something really feminine like a skirt or dress, that's because he wants to impress someone that is into that kind of thing. Other then that, he hates them. He hates what he wears, mostly. When alone, Reyna is usually in sweatpants or basketball shorts, with franchise t-shirts such as superheroes or animes.

Tattoos- None

Piercings- None

Species- "Oh, if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a demon~" ( Half demon )

Powers- He can teleport, turn invisible, plus he knows magic spells and can perform them. For attack magic, he loves using elemental magic such as fire and ice. However, when his emotions skyrocket he becomes a literal magic bomb, and in that moment, is on par with the elements where magic is involved. It's very draining for him and afterward, he ends up unconscious for days on end.

Personality- Rey, when you first meet him, is flirtatious and mysterious, leaving you with a sense of curiosity and wanting for the demon. He plays this to his advantage when he needs it, like every other demon, but normally doesn't show anything of himself. However, when he's not hunting he is rather indifferent and anti-social, which is why he is normally alone in his home. Despite being a flirt in public, he is flustered quite easily when he is around people who practically ooze dominance, like alphas for example, unless he's familiar with you. When alone, he's a huge tomboy and nerd. He'll beg his lover to watch Voltron even if he's seen it a million times, and acts nothing like his public self.

Likes- "You~" ( Peace and quiet, animals, ice skating, dancing, flirting, reading, cooking, baking, sleeping, cuddling, dreaming, video games, shows, movies, animes, cartoons )

Dislikes- "Quiznak..." ( Working too much, romantic love ( this will change ), someone finding out his secrets )

Flaws- "Hm? Why do you ask so many questions, my dear?" ( He's very insecure about himself, hence why he hides his real self away, and sometimes he can't control his emotions and therefore can't control his magic, he has self-harmed. )

Fears- "No comment." ( Too many people, tight spaces, his past, his power exploding, being a demon sometimes, falling in love again. )

Background- Reyna's mother was human and his father a demon, in fact, the general of Lucifer's army, and he stayed with said man. He was taught to never trust anyone, and when he was old enough his own father sent him into the slave trade. He learned a lot in the few years he was a slave, and one day escaped, heading straight for the castle. There, at fifteen, he demanded to be the general of the demon army. The guards were shocked by the demon king's response, who said if Rey could beat the current general, he would take up that position. And so he did, over and over and over again for all the suffering he went through. Time skip a few months, he and the demon king fell in love. They were happy, that is, until the annual treaty with the angels, when a demon goes to heaven and an angel to hell, chooses Reyna. Blinded in a state of panic, Lucifer exiled and demoted him in order to keep him protected. Though he hated the thought of being stuck in the human realm, he found his human mother and did a few years of high school since he was sixteen at the time. He met a boy named Hunter, a warlock actually, who gave him many spells to work with. This Hunter was an alpha and knew that Reyna was an omega. Though he never marked him, never mated with him, Rey still fell in love. That is until he caught Hunter cheating on him three separate times. He broke up with him, obviously, but still quite upset about it.

~ Nanami ( mother )
~ Maximillion ( father )
~ Abraxos ( uncle )
~ Mizuki ( younger brother, whom he has no idea about, and is Lucifer's current lover )
~ Lucifer ( ex-lover, king )
~ Orion ( friend )
~ Artemis ( friend )
~ Hunter ( ex-lover )
~ Savior ( pet German shepherd )

Family/Friends-~ Nanami ( mother )~ Maximillion ( father )~ Abraxos ( uncle ) ~ Mizuki ( younger brother, whom he has no idea about, and is Lucifer's current lover )~ Lucifer ( ex-lover, king )~ Orion ( friend )~ Artemis ( friend )~ Hunter ( ex-lo...

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~ Tea
~ Anime

Occupation- Model, ex-general

Living- Penthouse with his mom in Honolulu, HI

Other- As an omega, he can get pregnant and has heats every three months, though he uses suppressants to hide his scent all the time so no one knows he's an omega and to skip his heats. Also, he's really good at ice skating, but he's terrified of performing in front of a crowd.

Setting- Honolulu, HI; modern day; Rey's modeling agency


You were the newest addition to the biggest modeling agency in Hawaii, and as your boss proclaims, one of the best. You always did as told, no arguing, and you were hot. What? There's no use in lying. However, you were curious about the person who he either praises or scolds, you couldn't tell whenever he talked about it. You knew what he looked like of course, everyone knew who Reyna Synca was if you worked in the building, but you never had the pleasure of meeting him until today that is. You were doing a partner shoot with the boy.

When you entered the room where you guys would be shooting, you saw him, and it appears that he was exactly like the pictures showed. He walked over to you and smiled, holding out his hand. "Hey, my name is Rey, it's nice to meet ya Y/N."


~ Seme; Alpha
~ Model
~ 18+


Another omegaverse!

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