Losttail felt her anger boil inside her." You fox-hearted dungface! You're mousebrained if you think StarClan will ever fall to the Dark Forest!"

The voice laughed again." Just you watch!"

A bright light filled the forest. Losttail opened her eyes and found herself back in the medicine den. The mysterious cat's laughter and words echoed in her mind. She glanced over at Berryseed who was sound asleep. Her heart was still racing from her visit with the strange cat. She curled back up and after several tries she finally slept peacefully.




The next morning, Losttail woke, yawned and gave herself a stretch and padded outside the den. Immediately she could her two squeaking voices from the nursery. She recognized them as Tawnypool and Rabbitstar's kits- Patchkit and Flowerkit.

"I wish I could be out hunting with the Clan," Patchkit whined. "This is so boring!"

Flowerkit looked baffled. "No, it's not."

Patchkit rolled his pale blue eyes. "You never shut up." He made his voice higher, mimicking his sister." 'I love being in camp. It's so fun.' News flash, it's not!"

"Yes, it is!" Flowerkit spat.

Losttail smiled at the two bickering kits. She walked over and joined them."Your time will come when you both will serve you clan. You just need to be patient." She mewed.

Patchkit let his shoulders slump." But I don't want to wait four more moons."

"Well I can." Flowerkit boasted.

Losttail's eyes roamed away from the two siblings. There were only a few cats out in the clearing. Streampelt was sleeping on a rock near the warriors' den. Barkpath and Ratfang were having a discussion near the Warriors' den. Flarefur was eating away at a scrawny mouse. Desertstorm, Pebblestream And Cedarflame had just returned feom hunting. Berryseed was sitting outside their den, looking deep in thought.

After a few moments of talking with the kits, the bengal tom called out for Losttail. Losttail padded over and sat down beside him. I have to tell him about my visit with the Dark Forest cat.

"Berryseed, I need to tell you something." She began, nervously. "Last night, I woke up in the Dark Forest. There was a cat speaking to me but I couldn't see him. I think he was the cat that killed your sister."

Berryseed turned and looked at her, a hint of anger in his eyes. "Blackmoon. What did he say?"

"He said that I don't stand a chance against the Dark Forest. That StarClan will crumble underneath their paws."

Berryseed growled under his breath and Losttail could see the fur on his neck began to bristle. Berryseed rose to his paws and stalked off into their den, Losttail following. He unsheathed his claws and slashed at a bundle of herbs, sending them flying to the back of the den, scattering them everywhere. He flopped onto his side and let out along sigh.

He then turned his head to look at Losttail. "Please leave. I need to be alone."

Losttail sighed. She padded over to him and gently nuzzled his head then left the den.

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