Chapter 13

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It is somewhat short because it's the end.

I know this story isn't that long but this story also really sucks so....

Check out my other story called "Openly Straight"

I promise that one is a lot better than this one


Parker's POV

Opening my eyes, and having them adjust to the light, I looked over at the clock.

1:00 pm

My face broke out into a huge grin when I realized why I slept so late. He has blonde hair and blue eyes and he's all mine. 

Last night was seriously the best night of my life, and I would love to live it over and over and over again. 

I rolled over so that I was hovering over Luke, who was still asleep. His cheeks were a little red and his eyelashes just barely touched the tops of his cheeks. Leaning down, my lips just barely touched his forehead and then I moved down to his nose.

I almost laughed out loud when his nose scrunched itself up and he reached up to rub at it. After his right hand left his face he opened his eyes and blinked up at me. I smiled, 

"Hi there."

He smiled and turned his head to the left to kiss my wrist that still lay beside his head. "Good morning." Luke shifted and then groaned, "My ass hurts and it's all your fault." 

This time, I really did laugh out loud and then I buried my face into his neck and took a deep breath. I was slowly lowering myself down onto his body as I placed small kisses along his neck. 

"Yeah, but it's okay because I love you and god you smell good, even better then before." By now I had pulled back and he was looking up at me again, his cheeks a darker shade of red.

"I love you too, Parker. But I need to shower so you need to get up and no, you can't come with me." I sighed and moved onto my back, throwing my left hand behind my head. 

"Fine then I'll just shower in my parents room so we can be done at the same time." I started to get up, "So I'll be in their room. Alone, by myself. No one but me."

"My answers still no." He said with a small laugh. 

"God damnit."




 After getting out of the shower, I walked back into my room while drying my hair with the towel at the same time. 

I was surprised to see Luke just sitting there staring at me. He smiled, teeth and all, "Is it weird to say that I miss you? Even though you're stanfng right in front of me? Like I can't really explain it, but i need you right next to me, I need to make sure you're really here.'

I shook my head. "No. It's the mating that we completed. It makes the bond stronger and now I can kind of feel how you're feeling." I chucked the towel onto the ground and stalked over to Luke who laid down when I bent over him.

I stuck my bottom lip out, "Why did you move away from me? All I wanted was a kiss." He laughed, "Your hair is still wet and I don't need that getting all over me."

I smirked, "What ever you say..."

In two seconds flat, I had pulled him so he was standing up and on top of my feet with my arms wrapped around his waist. He had no choice but to throw his arms around my neck to keep himself balanced.

Our noses were touching now and all I could do was simile at him. God I love him. I never knew it was possible to love someone this much. 

"So can I have a kiss now? I promise my hair won't get you wet." In order to persuade him more, I leaned forward a bit and took his bottom lip in between my teeth and pulled back slightly before letting go.

His eyes closed half way and he nodded, so I kissed him and pulled back after a few seconds. 

"Can we go downstairs now? I'm really hungry and I haven't eaten anything all day." I nodded at his request and began walking towards the door with him still on my feet.

He giggled and put his head in the crook of my neck while I walked downstairs. When I reached the bottom, I walked through the living room and into the kitchen where I saw my dad sitting at the table and my mom cooking something which smelled like bacon.

I hoped it was bacon.

My dad's voice was the first thing I heard when we sat down. "Congratulations, son."

I glanced up at him while putting my arm around Luke and pulling him closer. "What do you mean?" He laughed.

"Well you weren't exactly quiet about it last night. And besides, I can smell it." He had a smile on his face when he looked at me. 

I looked over at Luke and his face was bright red, "Oh god! I can't believe it's that obvious, kill me now." He sounded mortified as he hid his face in my neck and I could feel the heat of his face.

"Well you know dad, personally, I'm glad it happened, and no one will ever be able to take him away from me if I have anything to say about it, and I do." I squeezed Luke tighter to me and then let go so we could both eat when my mom put two full plates in front of us.

Nothing much was said after that.




"I think I'm going to quit my job." 

 I looked up, startled by what he had just said. We hadn't said anything for about an hour, just laying on my bed watching a movie. "Why? I thought you loved your job?"

Luke shrugged, "I don't know, school is starting next week and I want to be able to have fun next year, my senior year, and it takes up so much time so I barely have any left to spend with you."

I nodded, he had a point. plus I didn't really like not seeing him that much anymore since Nick quit working there and moved to god knows where, he now had to work extra shifts.

"Well, it's your decision, but," I rolled over so I was on top of him and we were so close that our noses were touching. "Just remember that I love you and you can keep your job. You don't need to spend time with me all the time. Just ask for less hours or something. I mean I don't really know how that works considering I don't have a job."

He smiled, nodded, and then reached up to kiss me.

I pressed him down harder into the bed and undulated my hips against his slowly. I dropped down so that my elbows were by his head. His hands were on my hips, slowly moving up into my shirt.

"I love you." I whispered, smiling against his lips. His smile mirrored mine and he said the same, "I love you, too. But we need to go get stuff for when school starts."

I groaned, pulling back. "Why? Can't I just use last years stuff?" I just wanna kiss my boyfriend without having to be reminded that we'll be seniors next week.

He shook his head. "No you can't. You burned them all on the last day of school remember?" I sighed and dropped my head onto his shoulder in defeat. 

"Sure. Whatever. Let's get this over with so we can come back and have sex."

"Parker what the fuck?"


Okay so that's the end of this crappy book.Sorry it's so short.

Check out my other story, I swear to you it's better.

Vote and or comment what you liked about the book!

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