you are motherfucker? ah

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God-tier headcanon: Hero Cookie is a die-hard weeb. Anyone who hangs out with him is forced to listen to his analysis on the killing game of Danganronpa, why DR3 is nothing like SDR2, his conspiracy theories on on DWMA, why (insert ship here) isn't canon yet, or listen to him cry his eyes out during certain movies.

He'll never watch English Dubs (he doesn't even have subtitles on), so that's a problem for some. One time he got Apple to watch Sgt. Frog with him, and all she did was ask why they talked funny.

Only two cookies get him. Who are they? Pink Choco and Vampire.
Pink Choco is (probably) a Kiibo style robot studying what his lifestyle is like, and Vampire's just piss drunk the entire time.

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