Chapter 7

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Meanwhile, Annemaria, during the time Esmeralda was sewing up Phoebus, had woken up groggy and sore. She looked to her wound and saw it patched up and then looked around at the unfamiliar place around her. She unsteadily rose to her feet and pattered her way. Moving the curtain aside she saw that she was in the bell tower at Notre Dame.

"Esmeralda," she said softly, careful not to disturb the other patient. "What are we doing here?"

"This was the only place where Phoebus would be safe and protected. We also had to get you to safety quickly so I could stitch up your side. But we will be going soon; I have no doubt that Clopin is frantically searching for you."

The white haired woman nodded and looked around. She was admiring the beautiful glass hangings when Djali began bleating at something. All the gypsies eyes and Quasimodo's snapped to the goat. Esmeralda and the hunchback rushed to see the cause of the goat's unease and were horrified to see that it was Frollo.

The four gypsies, although Annemaria required assistance, followed Quasimodo as he ran towards the exit.

"Go down the South Tower steps."

Jehan and Brahms helped Annemaria rush out of the door and onto the balcony. She, however, halted when her green-eyed friend was not immediately following. Her fear was assuaged, though, when her familiar white and purple costume was spotted. Together, they ran into the night undetected.

Clopin was, just as Esmeralda predicted, searching for his love furiously. His anxiety and worry was climbing with every negative answer about her whereabouts. He had discarded his hat and mask long ago and his gloveless hands grasped at his black hair.

"Where could she be?" he continued to ask himself and others. The other gypsies watched in alarm as their king became increasingly frantic. The popular emerald-eyed ravenette was nowhere to be found as well, something Clopin had immediately connected. He knew that the gypsy woman could be very demanding and persuasive and that his lover didn't have the heart to go against her.

A cry ran through the crowd.

"Esmeralda! Jehan, Brahms, you're all back!"

Clopin shoved his way through the crowd, though most parted for their king. He approached Esmeralda, eyes blazing. The ravenette looked down in shame while the two men shifted uneasily. His anger didn't dissipate until he saw a white-haired, red-eyed woman step out from behind the men. They rushed to embrace each other tightly. Moving her an inch away, his observant eyes scoured her body. When he say the stained fabric by her side, his eyes narrowed and he brought her to his chest again.

"Who did this?" he asked in a quiet and dangerous tone.

"Frollo and his men," Esmeralda replied.

Clopin didn't give a response but the unbounded hatred radiated from his body and was palpable to everyone. No one messed with the unofficial queen of the gypsies and came out alive. He waved his hand and the crowd disappeared. He brought Annemaria back to his tent and as soon as they were away from prying eyes, kissed her completely. Their bodies were entangled and their breathings were on the some pace.

"I'm so sorry Clopin," Annemaria apologized, looking her lover deep into his eyes.

He kissed her again just as fully, nonverbally communicating his forgiveness.

"I'm just happy you're safe. Should anything ever happen to you... I would be lost Annemaria. And a lost gypsy king is not a happy thing."

She smiled at him and Clopin's breath hitched in his throat. No matter how many times he saw her, she was still the most beautiful person he had ever laid eyes on.

Kissing him, she said coyly and jokingly, "But you are nonetheless a wonderful king, of which, you have certain duties to attend to, no?"

"But mademoiselle, they shall not be needing me for one night surely. Especially when they realize the reason for my delay," Clopin responded jestingly, waggling his eyebrows at her in a naughty way. She blushed but pushed him away.

"Go perform you kingly responsibilities, Clopin. Besides, I must speak with Vadoma about getting a new dress, as this one is quite obviously soiled."

"If that is what you miss, mon amour."

Clopin bowed to her and kissed her hand before heading to do whatever required his attention. Her gaze rested lovingly on his back till he was out of her sight. She turned and followed the path to Vadoma's red tent.

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