Chapter 5

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Throughout the next few days, more and more reports of gypsies being arrested filtered through the Court of Miracles. People were becoming more uneasy and unrestful. They wanted vengeance against Frollo but knew that it would be fruitless. It had also been brought to their attention that Frollo was looking specifically for Esmeralda, a fact that caused Annemaria to visit and console her friend. However, Esmeralda was desperate to go back up there and put a stop to this. Annemaria was able to talk some sense into her friend, but she could not entirely convince her from going to the streets above... at least, while alone.

"Esmeralda, this is a stupid plan. What do you hope to accomplish?" she hissed to her disguised friend. Both were wearing clocks: Esmeralda's was blue and Annemaria's was a faded green. They were hidden from prying eyes, but that did not guarantee them safety. Additionally, Annemaria hated that she was going against her promise to Clopin, that she would stay safe and out of the streets. Currently, she and Esmeralda were part of the crowd watching Frollo's confrontation with the miller.

She watched in hate and fear as Frollo locked the family inside their home. She saw him say something to Captain Phoebus, whose reaction was one of disgust and shock. Her ruby eyes widened when she saw the judge handing him a torch. He's going to burn an innocent family! She mentally applauded Phoebus' brave decision to disobey his orders and douse the torch. However, the horror returned when Frollo took another torch and let the windmill on fire. The flames quickly spread to the rest of the house, and she could hear the pleadings and screamings of the family inside.

Annemaria broke away from the crowd despite Esmeralda's call for her and ran as fast as possible words the fiery inferno. She slipped around the guards that tried stop her. She ran into the house just before a beam fell, blocking the doorway. She didn't even look behind her and focused on scooping up one of the children. She shoved the parents and the older child towards the door, effectively moving them out of the path of a patch fallen ceiling. The shattering glass alerted her to the captain's arrival. He helped carry the other child and bust open the door, allowing the family to escape unscathed.

Annemaria was breathing heavily from the smoke, exertion, and fear. It hitched, though, when the blonde man next to her was hit over the head with a sword. He fell to the ground as her arms were pinned behind her back. A guard stepped to the side of Phoebus and placed a sword just above his next.

"The sentence for insubordination is death. Such a pity. You threw away a promising career," Frollo stated as he circled the pair on his horse. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the woman with red eyes and white hair. "And obviously the demon will be burnt at the stake," he commented, not looking away from her.

"Consider it my highest honor, sir," Phoebus retorted spitefully.

The guard was just about to behead him when a rock Frollo's horse, causing it to rear up and throw its rider off. Phoebus and Annemaria used the distraction to their advantage and broke free of their bonds. Phoebus swung himself and Annemaria onto Frollo's horse and started galloping towards the stone bridge that was nearby.

They distantly heard Frollo shout, "Get them! And don't hit my horse!"

Archers started aiming and shooting arrows at the two. Some were nowhere close to hitting the two, but quite a few were just a little off. One landed it's mark in Phoebus' shoulder, causing him to fall off the bridge, dragging Annemaria with him. The two splashed into the Seine's waters and more arrows followed them down. Esmeralda had watched the events unfold in terror. She was slipping down to the river to try when Frollo said, "Don't waste your arrows. Let them rot in their watery graves. Find the girl. If you have to burn the city to the ground, so be it."

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