Random Facts About Me

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- Spanish is my first language, but thanks to where I live, I know English better.

- I tend to like characters that most people hate

- I don't like MainStream anime since they are not my taste

- I listen to Spanish, Japanese, Korean, and sometimes Latin music more than English music

- My favorite bands are FallOut Boy and Twenty One Pilots

- Gakupo is my favorite Vocaloid. My favorite female vocaloid is Gumi.

- My favorite anime is Death Note

- My favorite FE game is Path of Radiance story-wise. My favorite Gameplay-wise is Conquest.

- My least favorite FE characters (so far) is Roy,Peri, and Xander.

- My favorite song is The Tragedy of Chateau Cepage by ToyaMikz

- I'm a awkward person to talk to in both irl and online. Mostly to responding to people lol.

- My favorite anime character is Envy(gif) followed by L

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