Harry- for hescutelwt

Start from the beginning

Louis was now beginning to feel a little nervous about doing the challenge, but he still wanted to. He wasn't really allowed to back out now after he had already invited Niall over and made it such a big deal.

The fifteen minutes went by quick and Niall was now banging on the door as hard as he could. Niall always made his presence very known when he visited Harry and Louis. It took a lot of energy to hang out with Niall since he was basically the human version of a tall can of Redbull.

Louis unlocked the door and Niall immediately rushed past him, acting as if the house was his own. He set the items on the counter before eagerly turning to Louis and Harry only to see them both stood there by the front door with amused expressions.

"Ready, lads?" Niall asked excitedly and Harry instantly shook his head.

"I'm not doing it," Harry responded quietly, sounding a little embarrassed about it. The more he thought about it the more he realized just how lame he was for not doing it. Niall had come all the way over from his house just to do the challenge and that made Harry want to be brave and change his mind but he just couldn't.

"Why not?" Niall asked loudly, sounding a little concerned. Harry's heart started beating quickly and he could already tell Niall and Louis were going to pressure him into trying it. He really didn't want to do it but he also really didn't want them to see him as a loser.

"Please do it with us, Babe." Louis said as he grabbed Harry's hand, practically begging. Harry shook his head before pulling his hand away from Louis' and crossing his arms dramatically. "There's no way," Harry huffed.

Niall shrugged, "suit yourself." He took the cans of sprite out of his grocery bag.

"I got extra banana's just in case," Niall said as he pulled out a bunch of banana's. Louis cheered before grabbing the banana's from Niall and shaking them in the air, clearly trying to tell Harry something.

"Harry, please!" Louis begged once again as he gestured to the extreme amount of banana's they now had. There was at least twelve of them which was way more than they needed but it was okay, too many banana's never hurt anyone.

"I don't want to," Harry said quietly as he attempted to start walking out of the room, hoping if he just left maybe they'd stop. Louis almost instantly grabbed the younger boy's hand and Harry sighed, feeling stressed out about  the situation.

"Lou, please stop," Harry whimpered and Louis' face softened at the words, he looked like he felt bad about it all now and Harry figured that would be the end of his what previously seemed like endless begging.

"Will you at least watch us?" Louis asked as Niall picked up multiple cans of sprite and a couple banana's, heading into the backyard.

"I guess.," Harry responded, unsure if he even wanted to watch. If it was too gross he could just look away but he didn't want to look weak. Harry didn't know why he was feeling so self-conscious about not wanting to do the challenge but it was really messing with him at this point.

Niall and Louis walked into the backyard excitedly, each of them holding a few banana's and two cans of sprite. Harry sluggishly followed behind, definitely not excited for what was about to go down.

"Okay, how do we do it?" Niall asked as he peeled one of his three banana's. He began to eat it as Louis stated the instructions. Niall nodded before peeling his second banana. He was eating them pretty quick and Louis could barely keep up.

Harry had a little time to reconsider his final choice as he watched them eat the banana's and he was definitely swaying towards saying yes. It didn't look so bad, not yet at least. He hadn't seen any sick yet and that could affect his decision so he waited a little while longer.

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