Louis sick- for niallerspotato9

Start from the beginning

Breathing heavily, he unlocked and opened the door to meet one of the kinder of their management team, a father named Eldon. He was a short stocky man with hair of the same description, coarse and black.

"Hey Harry. The boss sent me over to make sure you guys weren't screwing around," Eldon greeted. He pulled a face as he stepped past Harry and into the house, "oops, wasn't supposed to tell you that."
Harry dropped his voice a few tones lower and shrugged, "it's alright, kind of expected it."
He pushed the door shut and leaned up against it, wishing it hadn't been Eldon who'd come. He'd feel much better lying to the face of someone less nice.

"So, you're all sick huh?" Eldon said. He took Harry's elbow and lead him through the entry hall, peering inside all the rooms until he spotted another human being.
"Good morning Louis." Eldon waved as he offloaded Harry onto a seat. Louis just groaned and rolled over, his lips twitching. He was finding it all too amusing and the straight face was hard to keep up. He took a deep breath and slowed his excited heartbeat, he could do this. All he had to do was lay there after all.

The house was silent.

"Where are Liam and Niall?" Eldon asked as he observed the rest of the living room. At first the bucket of sick next to Louis made him grimace, up until he spotted the large share of eggshell on the edge.

"Ni's in the bathroom," Harry said.
Louis rolled back onto his back, "and Liam's in bed."

"I thought that management was going a little too far when they asked me to make sure you all weren't yanking the chain, but unless you've been eating eggs whole Louis, they might've been on the right track."

Harry's heart dropped and Louis winced as he peered down int the bucket. He bit his lip, "yeah, uh, it's a new diet I'm trying. . ."
Eldon snorted, "I have kids that lie too you know, but nice try."

Louis sighed and sat up, rolling his shoulders and resting his hands on his knees. Harry was a little less casual about the issue, with wide, frightened eyes, and a feeling in the pit of his stomach that almost had him reaching for the bucket. They'd been caught.

Eldon grinned and perched on the arm of one of the sofas, "so, I take it you boys don't want to go out today?"
"No," Louis replied, groaning as he realised that now they had no choice.
"What was scheduled?"
"Stupid promo video."

"It's not important?" Eldon questioned, scratching at a loose thread on the couch.
"I'm sorry I lied to you," Harry muttered, finally gaining the bravery to speak. Eldon rolled his eyesight teasingly, finding Harry's childishness comical, "it's alright big guy."
Harry nodded to himself, glad that he hadn't ruined the mans trust.

"It's not important at all," Louis replied to Eldon's question, "the exact opposite."

"Well, then there's no harm in setting it back a day then, is there? I won't say anything about this as long as you guys don't."
"Really?" Harry beamed.
Eldon shrugged, "I don't see why not."

"You're awesome Man, thank so much," Louis said, grinning. This plan of his hadn't worked out the way that it was supposed to but by some sheer luck they'd managed to get away with avoiding the promo video. Maybe it was just for a day, but he might be able to dig up some motivation by then and actually be in the mood to prance around in front of the cameras all day long.

"No screwing around tomorrow either, I'll get in trouble," Eldon warned as he stood up, pulling his hands out of his pockets. He waved to Niall and Liam who were hiding behind the corner, listening in. They'd both heard the conversation from their posts around the house and after realising that the whole thing had unfolded, together sneaked down to eavesdrop.

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