There's nothing better than a game of Quidditch

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"Why do you have blood on your shirt?" Snape frowned, nodding to her shirt. 

"Cut myself on the sword," she muttered, fearing Snape would take the sword off of her and never give it back. 


"I cut myself!" Lucy snapped taking the sword off her back and chucking it on the table. "Take the sword, I shouldn't be let lose with it." 

"Why would I - " 

"Just take it, do it for your own good." 

Snape took the sword from the table and laid it on his desk just as Anastasia trotted into the room, her shoes clumping on the floor echoed throughout the room making it almost eerie. 

"Good evening, Lucy! Good evening, Professor Snape!" She grinned then stood next to Lucy. 

"Yes, Miss Garcia?" Snape asked, trying to think of some way to get rid of the child. 

"Is it alright if I take Lucy down to the Quidditch pitch?" Anastasia asked.Lucy mouthed 'no!' Desperately making a motion as though cutting her throat and Snape nodded at her. 

"Of course she will but I expect her back by twelve o'clock sharp." 

Anastasia nodded then her and Lucy left but not before Lucy shot a glare at Snape who just waved. 

Before long the two girls were walking around Hogwarts, Anastasia leading the way. Anastasia was speed walking so Lucy had to run to keep up with her long strides, she often cursed her height and wondered if this had come from her mother rather than Snape for he was very tall. 

"Anastasia, where are you taking me?" Lucy asked as the two of them headed through yet another corridor. 

"You'll find out soon," Anastasia said and before long they had approached the viaduct and there was Shona, Fred and George standing there waiting for Lucy and Anastasia. 

"Alright?" Fred asked as Lucy approached. 

"I'm good," Lucy smiled. 

"Well, I'll be off! Madame Maxime wanted to speak to me," Anastasia said and they all waved goodbye to her and she skipped along the viaduct and down to the Hogwarts grounds to the Beauxbatons carriage to find Madame Maxime. 

"So what are we doing here?" Lucy frowned and in answer to her question Shona grabbed Lucy's enchanted bag and pulled out her firebolt. 

"Fancy a game of Quidditch?" 

*    *    * 

"YOU LOSE, SNAPE!" Shona yelled. The four of them had made their way down to the Quidditch pitch and were enjoying their own game of Quidditch and had now, according to Shona, finished their first game. 

"I don't think so, McGuire," Lucy laughed as she reached up casually and when she opened her palm there was the snitch. Shona looked around then opened both her palms and frowned. 

"And how did you get that from me?" 

"Haven't you heard of Accio? The summoning charm?" Lucy smiled and put her wand away. 

"That's cheating!" 

"You're right! That is cheating but this isn't real Quidditch so me and Fred win!" 

"No you don't! Me and George win!" 

"Do not!" 

"Do too!" 

"Do not!" 

"Oh put a sock in it!" Fred yelled as he shut the both the bludgers back in the crate. "We've both won!" 

Lucy Snape and the Return of Lord Zuc (Book Four)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя