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"Hurry up Chloe!" Kelly yelled up the staircase. "Reno is going to be here any minute!"

The three had worked hard to make the room welcoming for their foster son, but deep down they had wished they were assigned a girl.

"Chloe!" Paige yelled up the stairs, after Chloe didn't reply to her wife.

"One minute!" Chloe yelled. She was sitting on her bed texting Beca.

"I just want to come over there and bite your neck." Beca texted.

"I have to go." Chloe replied.

"What?!" Beca said. "We were just getting to the good part :("

"I know." Chloe said. "Reno is coming today though."

"Good luck." Beca said.

"Love you." Chloe said.

"Love you too." Beca replied.

Chloe put down her phone and made her way downstairs.

"Why do you want us to look so perfect. He's going to see us at our worst when he wakes up tomorrow morning." Chloe pointed out.

"First impressions are important." Kelly said as she moved Chloe's hair to rest nicely over her left shoulder.

Ding dong!

Kelly answered the door and standing in front of her was a tall man and a little red headed girl.

"Hello." Kelly said.

"Kelly, Paige, this is Reno." He motioned to the girl. "Reno, these are you new foster moms."

"Hi Reno." Kelly fake smiled. "You're such a beautiful girl."

Chloe held in a laugh.

"You look just like our Chloe." Paige smiled.

"Come on in." Kelly motioned for the two to come inside.

"Can I talk to you for one second." Paige pulled the man aside. "We thought Reno was a boy, so we kinda prepared a boy's room."

"I'm sorry, would you like me to take her back to-"

"No." Paige interrupted. "But will she be offended if we told her?"

"She's pretty easy going." The man said. "I think she'd laugh."

"Okay." Paige said.

They went back to the kitchen and Kelly was getting some water for Reno.

"So Reno, what grade are you in?" Kelly asked her.

"First." Reno said in a tiny voice.

"I loved first grade!" Chloe said, trying to cheer up the scared little girl.

"You'll love the school you're going to go to." Kelly said with a smile.

Reno continued to stare into her glass of water.

"I'll leave you guys to get used to each other, call me if you need anything." The man said and left.

"Where's my foster dad." Reno said, still looking down.

"There is no foster dad." Paige said. "Just the three of us."

Reno smiled into her water.

"Who is that?" She asked, looking at Chloe.

"That's Chloe." Kelly smiled. "She's our daughter."

"Hi!" Chloe smiled.

Reno smiled back.

"Where's my bedroom?" Reno asked.

"Upstairs." Paige said. "It's kinda decorated for a boy though."

"That's okay." Reno sighed. "It happens all the time."

"Where does the name 'Reno' come from?" Paige asked.

"Anything Goes." Reno sighed.

"I knew it!" Chloe said.

"What?" Paige and Kelly were both confused.

"It's a musical and the main character is named Reno." Chloe explained.

Cosette came walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. She was a such a mellow dog, the family sometimes forgot she existed.

Reno lifted her legs onto the stool and looked down at the dog in fear.

"This is Cosette." Chloe said, picking up the dog. "She couldn't hurt you if she tried. She's very sweet. You can pet her if you want."

Reno hesitantly reached out to pet the dog and Cosette licked her hand, causing the young girl to giggle.

"See, she loves you." Chloe smiled.

Ding dong!

"I'll get it." Paige said and went to answer the door.

"Hi." Beca said when Paige opened the door. "I wanted to come meet Reno. It's fine if you want me to leave, I just had to get out of the apartment."

"Come in, Beca." Paige said. "You're very important to this family and we would never tell you to leave."

Beca walked into the kitchen and saw a mini Chloe sitting next to the real Chloe.

"Woah Chlo!" Beca said. "It's like you've got a mini you!"

"Who's that?" Reno asked.

"That's my girlfriend, Beca." Chloe said.

"Hi Reno." Beca said. "It's nice to meet you."

"Hi." Reno said quietly.

Later that night, Reno was asleep and Beca and Chloe were sitting on Chloe's bed.

"What does it feel like to be a big sister?" Beca asked.

"Pretty cool." Chloe replied. "She's so cute."

"You guys got a cutie pie." Beca smiled and leaned back against Chloe's pillows. "Wanna celebrate?"

Chloe climbed on top of Beca and lifted her head by her neck to connect their lips. Chloe began grinding her hips against Beca's.

"Chlo." Beca breathed out. "I don't want to wake anyone up."

"Then you'll have to be quiet." Chloe smirked.

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