Chapter 15: Ignite

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After he came into the room that night I tried taking it into consideration that he might let me go if I did what he asked me to. Besides, what he told me to do is nothing close to harming my well-being so I might as well do it.

And there's something that tells me that he might be what I thought him to be; someone with a cold appearance but has a warm heart. What he did for me is questionable at some point for the way he is living his life, but a chance to get to know his true self is worth seeing in the long run.

I looked at the night stand, where the clock is. In red light, it says that it was already 11:56 in the evening. I wonder if they're all asleep by this time. Five hours ago, they saw that I haven't ate any of the food they've saved up for me for dinner, so they took it as a signal that I wouldn't give a damn to starve by not eating anything again. And so they took the food out when I faked sleeping in bed.

Just thinking of food made my stomach grumbled really loud.

"Ahh shit." I clutched my stomach as the pain of not having to eat anything shot throughout my body. I kind of regret declining their offer from before. Now that I think about it the boys haven't harmed me since I came here. Maybe I overreacted at some point.

Still clutching my stomach, I struggled to get out of bed and tried to sneak out of my confinement. Luckily they left it unlocked, so I quickly went out to look for the kitchen. Honestly this place is huge. I just stick to the plan of looking for the stairs and kitchen. After several minutes I saw it and I sneakily ran down, but what I saw wasn't something I am looking for. Apparently, it was something better.

Right infront of me is the front door, my only way out of this hellhole. Should I? It's the fastest way out, and I haven't seen any of them since I left my room.

With hesitant steps, I approached the door and got a hold of the knob. I feel conflicted. It's as if I'll experience something worse if I walked out of that door. But if I stayed being their prisoner, I might never get the chance to make an escape.

I slowly turned the knob until I heard a click. But my conscience took over making me completely close the door back and locked it myself. I'm an idiot, I know. But blame it on my curiosity as to why I wouldn't leave. First that pale man, next Namjoon, third the reason behind all these, and last was my father.

I let out a huge sigh. I never thought I would came up with a dumb decision to let this chance go, but sometimes you have to risk it to get to your goal, and I have mine at this point in time.

I backed away from the door and went back to my previous goal, food. Don't judge.

In just a few minutes I finally found it, not only that. There was a food neatly placed on top of the kitchen counter together with a note.

I get the feeling that you would sneak out after feeling how hungry you are. I left your door unlocked just in case you would. I told the boys to leave food just for you. Don't fret and eat it well.


Slightly confused, I thought hard of what those initials might be. I only knew Namjoon and that Taehyung guy, the rest are anonymous. Either way I took the chance and dig in. May I just say that the food was surprisingly delicious as if it was cooked by a professional. I can now see what I'm missing for the past few days. I lost weight and missed the opportunity to eat such delicacy, it's official. I really am an idiot.

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