Oh Hey, Is That A Cloud?

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Without warning, I blurred forwards, lunging towards Damon. I thrust my hand out, but he grabbed it, spinning me around until he had my hand pinned to my chest with his, my back pressed against his torso.

"Not as easy as you thought," he murmured in my ear.

"You underestimate me," I smirked.

I gripped one of his hands and pulled, flipping him over my shoulder and slamming him on the ground. I grabbed my hairbrush off the dresser and straddled Damon, holding the hairbrush above his heart.

"Ha," I grinned smugly. "I win."

"Ah, Marni," Damon smiled. "You forget the most important rule when taking on an enemy."

"Oh? And what's that?" I asked.

I was suddenly flipped over and pinned to the ground. Damon smirked.

"Never let your guard down."

"I'm not taking on an enemy though," I stated. "So it doesn't count."

"Oh it always counts."

I was about to argue, but I was cut off by Damon's kiss. All competetiveness washed away and all I could think of was his lips against mine.

"Mmm... I'm going to be late," I murmured after a moment.

"Who cares?"

I was about to answer, but a voice interrupted me.

"Marni! Hurry up!"

"Mia does," I stated flatly.

"She is such a buzz kill," Damon muttered.

"Am not!"

"Ugh, can't she go live with Klaus or something?"

I laughed at Damon's annoyance. He was on his feet in the blink of an eye and he held his hand out to me. I took it and I was hauled up.

"Well, considering Klaus and I don't exactly get along..."

I turned to see Mia leaning against the doorway.

"I thought you two were besties," Damon frowned.

"Nope, that's Marni," Mia corrected. "Klaus and I don't see eye to eye. Well, that and I threatened to kill him."

"That was an entertaining conversation," I nodded.

"Aren't you related though?" Damon asked.

"No. Just because I used to be part of Marni, doesn't make me her. I'm my own person, I just happen to look like Marni. In Klaus' eyes, I'm like you. Someone else he doesn't like. So I think I'll stay here."

"Well at least we won't have to worry about you joining him in his mission to make our lives hell," Damon smirked.

"Am I the only one around here that likes Klaus?" I asked.

"Yes," Stefan answered, appearing beside Mia.

"Ah... Well," I murmured, walking over to my bed and grabbing my bag.

"What are we going to do about him, anyway?" Stefan asked.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"We can't just let him and his hybrids do what they please," Damon stated. "Something needs to be done."

"We need to get rid of his hybrids," Stefan declared.

"Well feel free to go ahead and kill Elena," Mia said sarcastically.

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