1st Chapter: getting started

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The apocalypse alarm sounded, when the professor was doing a test on a dead human's body and tried to bring him back to life. It kinda worked but just worked in a bad way, the person became a zombie. The professor was shocked when the zombie came rushing at him with it's jaws wide open, the professor then smashed the emergency button but right after that he was bitten, so he became a zombie.

The disease spreads faster than expected so after about 2hrs the whole facility remains nothing but zombies. (N/A becuz of the stupid professor) Days went by and all the people that are not infected need to move to a safer place to get away from the infection, even schools are closed as all the teachers were bitten (N/A yay!!!) There were 4 students together trying to get to the safest place in their school since they were having a camp before the apocalypse started so they thought the roof top might me safe enough so they sneaked up there.

Alice saw the door key lying around the floor so she used it to shut the door.(N/A:The author which is me ain't Alice. Alice is my best friend aka partner for crime. My group with 5 people (all my real life friends) came up with writing the story together but only me and Alice is working on it T^T) The group then found a secret door but it's tightly locked with chains so Marco used a hand knife to break the chains(N/A :Don't ask me why a normal high school boy has a knife with him-_-) they found a bunch of weapons lying on the floor...their school was rebuilt on top of a hideout for terrorists so weapons to be found there is not surprising at all... They chose their suitable weapon to slice those zombies. The leader Marco chose a dual gun, Alice, the vice leader chose a double katana, Merry chose a sniper rifle chainsaw( a new kind of technical chainsaw which can turn to a sniper rifle also a chainsaw) and Rina's a nailed bat. The group waited till the zombies go away and they quickly sneaked down the stairs.... Rina than bumped into a person on their way down...

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