As he continued slowly down the road , he thought about how bad the day had already been . He'd been called in , on his off week , to deliver this cargo after the original driver had gotten himself lost . Twice . The second time , he'd been pulled over for trying to drive the wrong way onto an exit ramp , and was currently in jail somewhere in South Carolina , when he'd been found to be higher than a fighter jet .

       And to make things better , after he'd taken over the run , he'd been delayed by a radiator leak , which was why he was driving down a country road in Virginia at midnight , hoping that someone would be awake to accept delivery .

       He finally spotted what appeared to be an old driveway , or possibly a logging trail , and carefully turned the truck back in the correct direction . He drove back towards the house , watching carefully to be sure he didn't pass it up again , thinking that things were finally looking up . "We're finally back on track , Sally ." , he informed his companion , who flicked her ears , but made no other movement . "Should be smooth sailing from here ." 

       As he approached the turn , he suddenly jammed on his brakes as he saw a form lying in the road , just short of the driveway . He leaned forward over the steering wheel , trying to get a better look , a lump of panic forming in the pit of his stomach .

       "Oh , damn ! You don't think we hit somebody , do you , girl ?" , he addressed the husky , his voice quavering . He threw the parking brake and opened his door , stepping down to check on the figure .

       He walked to the front of the truck , calling out , "Hey there , buddy ! You all right there ? Do you need some help ?" 

       As he neared the spot where he had seen the form , he stopped , looking around in frantic confusion . The roadway was completely empty , the figure was nowhere to be seen .

       "What the hell is going on here ?" , he muttered . He then raised his voice and called out , "Hey , if this is supposed to be some kind of joke , it isn't fuckin' funny !"

       As he finished speaking , he heard a rattling noise from the treeline , and as he turned to look , his worst nightmare came dashing across the road toward him , moving so quickly that it seemed almost to teleport . 

       After a split - second of frozen panic , he turned to run back to the truck , but his assailant was faster , rushing forward and slamming him into the grille . He felt something groping at the front of his shirt as he struggled , then pain flared in his stomach . This finally unlocked his throat muscles , and he let out a full - throated scream , then another .

       After that , two things happened almost simultaneously . As lights flared on outside the house , and peoples voices began coming closer , he heard a deep , throaty snarl , and his attacker was knocked to the ground by a red flash . Sally had launched herself out of the vehicle and come to his defense .

       As she struggled with his attacker , the gate slammed open , and several people began running towards them . Sally bit her opponent , causing it to let loose a high - pitched screech and fling her several feet away . It then leapt up and bolted for the trees , as two women , both carrying guns , reached his side .

       "Damn ! The bastard got away again !" , one of them growled , while the other knelt beside him . 

       "Sir , can you hear me ?" , she asked him , and he nodded .

       "Good . My name is Diana Thomas , I'm a Homeland Security agent . Can you tell me your name ?" 

       "Randy ." , he gritted out , through clenched teeth . "Randy Morris ." 

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