Chapter Four: Erratic Heartbeats

Start from the beginning

“So you’re real?” The man asked her. His hug is tight but she managed to free from him.

“Of course I’m real.” She said and step backward when the man tried to reach her again.


“Stop. I’m real but I’m not the one you think Iam.” She tried to told him. His brows knitted, she thinks her words are finally sinking in him.

“You are what?” the man asked her, his words are still low but this time it is trembling. She is afraid that the man will lose it any minute now. And that is the least she wanted, Grace is standing not that away from them silently watching.

She looked at the child, giving her the will-you-help-me look but of course the child is just five and can’t get what she is trying to imply. As she expected, the child just look back at her, somewhat amused and confused.

“I’m not your wife.” She said firm and with finality, her eyes focused on his.

“I’m not your wife.”

Those words brought him to reality. Well, that hurts. His wife is denying him in front of their daughter.

“Come on babe, don’t do this. Our Grace is here, she can hear you.”  He said.

“Wake up Mister, I’m not your wife.” The woman told him again.

“Come on.” He said, this time his words are trembling again. He knows that. He knows that he looks pathetic and in front of Grace too, but he can’t help himself. His wife is standing in front of him. He started to step forward towards her who had taken several steps away from him.

He knitted his brows and he felt his heart just crushed when he saw her reaction. He stop from his tracks when he saw her looking at him like he is a monster. He felt numb and at the same time he wanted to cry. Well, that’s unmanly but who cares?

“Sir Anderson?” that call somewhat startled him. He is still looking at his wife and she is looking just behind him. His wife bit her lower lip that showed her dimple. He closed his eyes, because if he keeps on staring at her, any moment now he’ll grab her again to be in his arms again.

“Sir Anderson,  do we have problem here?”

He opened his eyes and tried his best not to look at his wife. He turned around to see Mr. Garcia looking at him confused and at the same time worried. He didn’t witnessed everything, did he?

“Yes?” he asked not actually remembering the inquiry of the man.

“Um. Are you okay sir? Is there any problem here with Mrs. Guidicelli?” the man asked him.

“Mrs. Guidicelli who?” he asked. Denying the fact that his wife is the only one that can be that Mrs. Guidicelli is.

That can’t be. Please just don’t be. His mind and heart shouts.

“I am.” His wife answered.

He breathe out and close his eyes. Actually this is not the first time that he thought someone else as his wife.

This time is not different right? I’m just over daydreaming of my babe that’s why this woman looks like her. Focus Gerald, focus. This woman is not her. You’re just seeing your wife in her because you always think of her. You’ll see, Gerald, once you opened your eyes, she doesn’t look like your love anymore. He thought trying to convinced his self.

He opened his eyes again and find where this Mrs. Guidicelli is. When he layed his eyes on her again, he paled once again.


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