Chapter 2

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As the weeks pasted by we became best friends. We sat together at lunch at told each other secrets.
Today I am getting ready to go to his house. I'm kinda nervous. What if his mom thinks I'm weird or I do something stupid. I'm totally overthinking , I need to stop.

     After I got ready I checked the time. 12:54. He said he was going to pick me up around one so I wait. My phone ringed. I looked at it and it was a text message from Daniel. He said he was outside so I went downstairs. I walked up to his car and he opened the door for me. He such a gentleman. We got in and drove to his house.
"So are you excited to meet my mom" "Yeah of course."
"Cool, she said she's gonna make lunch  for us"
"Really,that's nice....what is she making"
"I don't know I wasn't really paying attention. " 
We arrived at his house and got out of the car. He ran ahead of me and held the door open. I walked in and it smelled like Italian food. It drenched the air and made me realize I was starving. I didn't wanna seem rude so I didn't say anything. "Wanna go to my room"
"sure but where is your mom"
"She's in the kitchen , wanna meet her " " yeah"

        He took me to the kitchen and I saw his mom. "Hi" she said, " hi" I said shyly." Don't be shy my mom doesn't bite" Daniel said as he began to laugh a little. "Lets go" he said as he pulled me to his room. "I like your room" "Thanks"
"So what are we gonna do"
"I don't know I didn't really think about it"
"This is awkward "
We both started laughing.
"You play soccer?" I asked as I saw a soccer ball on the floor.
"Yeah do you "
"Want me to teach you"
"Ok lets go "
He grabbed the ball and took me to his patio. It was really pretty. It had cute baby trees.
"Hey what are these called" I asked pointing to them
" Bonsai"
" I'm gonna call them baby trees"
He started to laugh and said"ok, so what do you wanna learn"
"Um the thing your doing" I said as I watched him bounce the ball from knee to the other.
"Ok here do this" he said showing me how to do it. He passed the ball to me.
"Try it now"
I bounced the ball on my right knee then it went straight up and hit my head.
"You ok" he said then bursted out laughing.
I could feel my face getting red from embarrassment.
"Yeah " then we were both laughing.
"Hey guys lunch is ready" his mom said from the patio door. We both went inside and his mom gave us each a plate. " thank you" I said. " no problem honey." She then left us alone. "Um..___ I gotta tell you something "
"Sure what is it"
"Well I ......."

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