"Oh, I Didn't See Ya There-"

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For some odd reason, all my attempts to get closer to Kayla continued to be shot down. Time and time again; not even just by Elizabeth, but also weird little random occurrences. Just the other day, I attempted sitting to have lunch with the girl and I got called out of class by a teacher to be scolded about my uniform. I'd untucked my shirt and my jacket wasn't buttoned up or some bull crap. Admittedly I looked like a little delinquent, but after the first few weeks of wearing the same shit over and over again, I started to feel it unnecessary to wear the uniform the same, cut and dry way most everyone else did. They should be glad I was feeling comfortable enough to rock these primpy ass clothes my way. But anyways-, things like that or being constantly mean mugged by Elizabeth to get out of her presence. I honestly don't even know how to deal with all of these interferences. I even went so far as to involve Tom. The plan was very simple in nature; I'd have Tom run interference and keep Elizabeth at bay during lunch. Kayla is a very polite and well spoken girl, but she's a bit of a loner in reality.

Normally her and Elizabeth would hang out and eat lunch on the school roof, but today was going to be just a tad different. "Alright-, seems like we've gotten everything done today regarding the student council. I don't really know why they take so long to make a single decision. It's so friggin' annoying having to wait for them to choose the inevitable", Elizabeth sighed heavily and opened her locker to put away her things for lunch. Kayla was right there next to her putting away her things as well, "I feel you're overreacting a bit, Elizabeth." As the two spoke back and forth, me and Tom had perched ourselves at the small staircase that led up to the roof. "You know...this is kinda stalker-ish, right?", Tom spoke his words with an unsure grin at the crease of his impetuous lips. I sighed and placed my palm over my face, "We aren't stalkers, you dunce. You're simply a distraction and that's it." Tom shrugged and laughed, taking a small step up the stairs, "You must really be into this girl or something. Don't do anything illegal while you two are up on the roof. You're my best bro and all...but I'm not gunna take up for a perv."

"Fuck off-", I wasn't about to take those kinds of slanderous words from this guy, whom I'd fought alongside for so damn long. As we were speaking, two students passed by and a wave of reticence immediately washed over us. Going up to the roof was prohibited for normal students, but the council members were given special privileges and duties that allowed them access to places like that. Wouldn't have been good news for us getting caught trying to head up there without special permission. After they'd vanished from our sight, the two of us exhaled in relief. "Geez...we're over here freakin' out about randos spotting us, just casually bumming it at these stairs. You better have a good fucking plan for when you guys are alone. You owe me lunch regardless of how this turns out", Tom shook his head and leaned back against one of the nearby lockers. I quietly nodded to him, right before spotting Kayla and Elizabeth approaching the stairwell from all the way down the hall. It was go time, so I lightly popped Tom a good one on his shoulder before hiding behind the corner that lead down to the Junior's floor.

I shoe'd Tom to get ready and proceeded to crouch behind cover. "Hello ladies, you two getting ready to enjoy a bit of lunch together?", Tom stood up normally and placed his right hand into his pocket, looking from Elizabeth to Kayla. "Uhh-, yes actually. Is there a particular reason you're here in our way?", as Elizabeth addressed him, an apparently timid nature came from her person. It was so different from how she normally interacted with me. The first time we met, I thought she hated my guts and even after these few weeks of interacting with her here and there, she still seems withdrawn to make actual friends with me. "No, I was just a bit curious is all. OH, WAIT-! Could you help me with something important right quick, Elizabeth?", Tom wore a smile bright enough to kill your average teenage girl. Elizabeth's left eyelid twitched a bit as she attempted speaking, "Umm...sure. As long as it's something that actually requires the need of a student council member; then I-I can help. I should be done very soon, Kayla. so go ahead and start without me." Kayla simply nodded and headed on up the stairs to the roof. "Well would you look at that...? Think the redhead has a crush on Ol' Tommy boy. I guess it makes enough sense", I try to contain my laughter and shrug it off.

"Hahah! Thanks a lot, prez. Shall we walk? I won't be too long. I promise", Tom patted at her shoulder and started walking onward. Elizabeth flinched at his touch and followed along reluctantly. Tom was smiling and laughing the whole way, turning to give me a cheeky grin and thumbs up on the sly. I simply shook my head and sighed, clearing the corner as they both faded from my sight. In my hand, I held a small takeout container that I'd purchased from the school cafe. This school is proper generous with its serving sizes. This thing had some weight to it, so I was confident I could share it with another person and get full no problem. I was secretly hoping Kayla would be happy with accepting some of my lunch as an offer of good will. I don't know the girl very well at all still, but she looks like the kind of girl that'd have a sweet tooth. I checked the container and it had a small parfait inside to accompany the cheeseburger n' fries. I sometimes question my eating habits....but I'm a growing boy, so don't judge me. Anyways, I managed to work up the nerve and made my way up the stairs, stopping a bit short.

I stood behind the door and looked down at the food container one last time, "Okay, okay, okay, okay. This is kinda stalker-ish now that I think about it. Damn it-! Get a grip, dude. It's not like I'm going out there to violate the girl or some weird shit. We're just going to share a meal and that's the extent of it. Isn't that an innocent thing in reality?" I stood there talking to myself like a true maniac, probably no less than 30 seconds. I pulled myself together one last time and deeply exhaled, "Okay. It's been a really long time since I even wanted the attention of a girl, and now that I have a target in my sights, I won't let her just slip away." Before I could really even think about it, I opened the door and was quickly bombarded with the piercing rays of the sun. I shielded my face for the briefest of moments and looked around to find Kayla wasn't anywhere to be seen. Even though I didn't see her, I spotted her lunch box sitting directly opposite to the door on the far side of the roof. I lowered my hand and scratched my chin before walking a few steps forward, "I could've sworn I saw her come up here." Once I made it halfway over to the lunchbox, the door to the stairs gently latched behind me. "State your business here", a soft, yet stern voice drifted in and massaged my lowly eardrums, revealing itself to be Kayla's own.

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