10 years in misery

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"what is your name" the  voice says booming from around this white room as I'm strapped down in this metallic table. i don't answer.  i look up at the ceiling with my blue eyes. eyes that once used to be filled of glee and cheerfulness are now full of sorrow and pain. these distant cold eyes that look back at me when i look in the mirror have gotten colder as the years went by. i don't have control of my powers and i don't know what i am but to them i am neither a her or a teen i'm an it. they do all sorts of tests and experiments on me. they put me under simulations to test my mental strength and my tactics for when i am in danger. 

every time i close my eyes i feel myself letting go slowly of this life that belongs to me. i feel dead. i feel numb right now. i feel empty. i don't know since when but its all i can remember feeling. i used to cry myself to sleep for someone... anyone to come and set me free. i used to cry thinking about my family and then the way people i used to know looked at me with fear and hate. what did i ever do to be punished like this. i dont know what its like to lay under the stars calm and admiring its beauty. i dont know what summer is like or spring when all the flowers bloom and animals come out from sleep and find their love. i dont know what friends is or what having parents are like. how could i? i was taken at 6. 10 years in this prison. 10 years in misery and pain and hell. 10 years in which everyday i cried and screamed for the pain to stop, for help, for a hero. what is it like to eat without having to worry when your next meal would be or if ill be feed at all. what is it like to look yourself at the mirror without having to see scars or blood on your body. what is like to drink clean water or showering taking your time in warm water instead of ice cold. what is it like to see the sun for more then 10 minutes a month.  im feed pills to be kept alive and have all the nutrients and vitamins i need.

"ill repeat it again...WHAT IS YOUR NAME???"

slowly i look at the camera and breath in as  i close my eyes. facing the ceiling i get myself ready for the wave of electricity that will strike me soon. i waited and waiting and it was taking longer then usual. i breath out and let my guard down as i look at the camera again. really bad idea.

i yell and jerk my body trying to get away from the electricity running through  my body. the chains strapping me down are really tight and i cant move much. yelling in agony as the volts get higher each second. finally they stop and i bit down on my lip to prevent myself from sobbing. my lips hurt bad from the beating i had a couple of days ago.  the tears sting my dry eyes reminding me how dehydrated i was. today ill finally get water. they give me water every 3 days to the point in which im agonizing for it. im an experiment to them but im kept alive for them to study me even more. im guessing they want to make me their weapon or something.

i hear footsteps outside the door and finally its time for me to leave. i hear locks turn and unlock as well as chains falling to the ground. i feel weak and sick. suddenly the room gets cold and i see ice slowly starting to form on the walls. i breath heavily as i glare at them and watch as they cautiously make their way to me. one of them puts their hand over their shoulder and talk into this small black walkie talkie. it starts to get colder and as they let air out white smoke is released as well. the walls cover up with ice faster and the room slowly turns a shade of light blue. my back starts to tingle and my hands start to get warm. constantly glaring at the men i know that this isn't going to end well. a jolt of electricity surprises me and suddenly the room and the temperature return to normal in an instant. the tingle in my back fades away and my hand goes back to cold. my hands aren't always cold but in times as to which my body is fighting to stay alive my hands get cold and my body temperature drops depending on my powers to save it.

i dont stop glaring at the group of three that approach me and my hands start to get way to cold. i yell and my body tries to jerk away from the metalic table and the wave of electricity getting intense around my ankles and my wrists. my yelling ecos around the whole room and my throat starts to hurt. my eyes start to get teary and my back arches as far as it can go.  i scream to the point where my ears start to ring. this wave of pain gets way to intense and my vision starts to get dimer. black spots start to overtake my vision and my head feels hotter. the room starts to spin and i dont feel the pain anymore. i dont hear the voices anymore. my eyes are covered in a pit of blackness and i can't see anything. my eyes close and im fading away. my legs and arms go stiff and my breathing slows down and lastly i dont hear,feel or...  

their hidden experiment Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu