A brief history

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You don't know the story huh well you are in luck because I had the time to do this thing "Hello everybody and welcome to A brief history today the bros 1,2,3 go: June of 2012 a boy named Joshua enrolled in NCBA a school in which people study when he was walking into his classroom he fell into a trap door and met a mad scientist named Bob and tested him he got superhuman powers and those stuff a year past and Joshua met 4 people: Kurth,Cyrus,Abram and Justine he showed three of them his powers and they formed a group named the BROS in this year the bros are: Joshua,Kurth,Abram and Justine after another year Joshua and his 3 friends had split sections but Joshua met two new people Mon and Harry like before he shown his powers and got their own powers Mon becomes a dragon while Harry becomes this raging monster after another year all the bros are reunited with a new one on the way Josh like the two stories before he showed his Powers after another year Grade 5 the Bros again split up with two new ones adding up Kane and Renzo and then it happens the Time
Warper wants to take revenge and... That's the Bros's brief history and dftba.

The BROS lost in History (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now