3.. The Love Of Refusal

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Hello everyone.. 💜

Here is my next One Shot on out lovely couple Abhigya..



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It was a dark night of that day.. where the sky looked to be painted in gray.. as the wind was so chill.. A long beach road, that was completely wetted with rain drops..

She walked like a cracked mirror almost without paying attention on the vehicle that came opposite to her.. She looked with empty sense..

Within a fraction of seconds a..
keezhhhhh. sound echoed around the isolated place..

She felt herself numb and fell down.. not exactly the car crashed her.. just only the sound and the fear made her to collapse..

Inside the car, it was unexpected for him, as his frustrating madness was about to take the breath of a person permanently..

He remained inside his car for the next few seconds.. Letting out a deep breath, he stepped down opening the door and peeps towards the person.. He saw her viewed her, who was lying down with her eyes tightly closed and her heavy dupatta covering her face..

He rushed towards her and thrust away the dupatta from her face.. He was tantalized over her calm and composed face.. He patted her cheeks assuming her to be unconscious.. but his hands were pushed away by her's..

Still she remained with those closed eyes.. she shoves away his hand and sounded in an irate tone.. Don't touch me and just get away from me..

He was even more frustrated on her reply.. Grinning his teeth, he stands up saying.. You.. just go to hell..!.. he angered with a terrible and got back into his car.. He twisted the key and pressed the horn..

By the time she steadied herself up and moves aside by glaring at him constantly.. While he drove his car ahead crossing her..

She felt her loneliness again and rolls her eyes letting out a sigh.. She looked back and witnesses a big stone.. Settling over it, she pulls her dupatta over to her head properly and wipes her lonely tears that was brushing her cheeks..

After few minutes.. she stood up lifting her heavy lehenga and was about to step her leg forward.. but stopped again feeling a strong hand pressing her shoulders.. She gulps her throat and her lips started to trembled in fear to look back.. Gathering her courage, she flips back and all her eyes viewed was a tall.. muscular man.. who stood with his furious face, which had a big swallowed reddened eyes..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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