Wordily Thoughts

103 13 8

There is a word for all of us

There is a word that defines us all

We think,

We are playing with words but,

What if they are playing us all?

They play a game

A game it is

It's twisted with dread

And filled with guilt

They hold with power

Desperation they reek

Sometimes or for many

They aren't what we seek

They seek to tie and also hug     

Love they can "mais"

sometimes they shove

Words and Knives

Knock the same door

Both have it in them

To Cut to the Core

(Though words we say

Travel slower than Thoughts

They too are Words

Are they not)

Patience is virtue

We have heard this so often

With words more so

cause they ever never soften


Let them pass, let them flow

Just, Wait.... a second

They will go...

Just Reason remember

it always stays

whether we find it ?

In this life like maze


Thanks for reading guys ...
This is my first ever attempt at writing so comments and feedback will be greatly appreciated

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