Idiots and kings

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"Wake up!" The small girls eyes burst open at the command. "Today is your first day at school, so get up and get ready!" Frigga yells at the child who, with the assistance of her hand maid slides out of the oversized bed. Around 120 years ago she would have not had such luxuries. Now she has hand maids and near eternal life.

She was Taken by her father odin from her birth mother, the shape shifting queen of joten. Odin was reckless and blindness to the shapeshifter disguised as his wife. The jotuns succeeded in creating a child of Odin blood. When her mother died in child birth, the girl was abandoned on earth. Raised by a midgaurdian peasant woman. the girls mother suffered a painful death and the cries of the girl echoed through Asgard. odin found his bastard daughter and brought her home to asgard to be with her true family and blood father.

The girl allows her hand maid to help her dress before meeting her stepmother outside her monstrous room. Frigga fusses over the girls hair, mumbling over its straight yet slightly wavey demeener. " You should have been in school a decade ago, are you ready?" Without giving the girl time to answer she drags be towards her new classroom. A group of children sat around squarking and throwing things. I am not meant to be here- the girl thinks as Frigga pushes her inside closing the door behind her. The children are slightly younger than her and a lot less mature. What the girl has found since her arrival was that asgardian children are much less mature. Having lived a few years of a human life the girl got a head start. " Ah yes, the princess is finally here, we can begin, sit down" he orders, emphasizing the FINALLY as he glares at the princess. "Princess raven, welcome"

The day drags on and the lessons are simple, reading and counting were a simple bore and ravens attention span dwindles. She stares out the window in which a child has thrown a block at. She Spots three figures marching through the gardens towards the throne room. Her fathers presence cause a few peasants to fall to there knees in a bow and her two brothers grin stupidly. Curious as to why her brothers are allowed out of class and not her she slides off her chair. Squeezing past legs under desks she slides towards the door in an escape. As soon as she reaches the door she bolts knowing it wont be long before the guards are looking for her.

Twisting around corners and through hedges, she knows the way, gliding along the painted tiles to the room in which her father had disappeared into. Sliding through the crack in the door she skims the stairs slowly. Mumbles become louder as she moves behind polls towards where her father was standing, lecturing them over an object laying in front of them.

" Once... mankind accepted a simple truth, that they were not alone in this universe. Some worlds, man believed to be home to their gods. Others, they knew to fear. From a Realm of cold and darkness, came the Frost Giants. Threatening to plunge the mortal world, into a new ice age. But humanity, would not face this threat alone. Our armies drove the Frost Giants back into the heart of their own world. The cost was great. In the end, their king fell. And the source of their power, was taken from them. With the last great war ended, we withdrew from the other worlds, and returned home, to the realm eternal... Asgard. And here, we remain as the beacon of hope. Shining out across the stars. And though we have fallen into man's myths and legends, it was Asgard, and its warriors, that brought peace... to the universe.Once... mankind accepted a simple truth, that they were not alone in this universe. Some worlds, man believed to be home to their gods. Others, they knew to fear. From a Realm of cold and darkness, came the Frost Giants. Threatening to plunge the mortal world, into a new ice age. But humanity, would not face this threat alone. Our armies drove the Frost Giants back into the heart of their own world. The cost was great. In the end, their king fell. And the source of their power, was taken from them. With the last great war ended, we withdrew from the other worlds, and returned home, to the realm eternal... Asgard. And here, we remain as the beacon of hope. Shining out across the stars. And though we have fallen into man's myths and legends, it was Asgard, and its warriors, that brought peace... to the universe." Odin finishes standing tall.

Raven shuffles forward eyes glowing with curiosity and wonder at the story. " We seem to have a intruder" odin states calmly as he turns to leave. The three pause and Thor jumps ready to fight the wicked assailant. Raven moves further into the corner as her brothers eyes scan the room. " Raven" loki sighs in relief as he spots the girl. She pops her head from behind the post with sad, guilty green eyes. She fiddles with her fingers awaiting punishment. "Hello little one" Odin gives her a smile, " I should have known you wouldnt sit still, you are my daughter after all"

" Come out from there sister" Loki extends an arm for the shy girl and she hobbles over in a wobbly childish run. She giggles jumping into her older brothers arms. He groans with a smile placing her on his hip. She had yet to recognise asgardian age compared to human but he was around 450 years old and from a human view he was probably an 8 year old. Thor was slightly older and already held a sword of a warrior.

"When I'm a king, I'll hunt the monsters down and slay them all! Just as you did, Father." Thor shouts triumphantly.
"A wise king never seeks out war, but... he must always be ready for it."
"I'm ready, Father."
"So am I." Loki chirps.
"And me" raven mumbles innocently wanting to be part of the conversation.
"Only one of you can ascend to the throne. But both of you, were born to be kings." Odin tells his sons. " And you raven," he turns to the small girl in Lokis arms, " you shall become a true princess, marry a noble man and house many princesses and princes" ravens grin drops as odin moves on with Thor as his side.

"Yuck!" Raven pokes out her tongue at this as soon as her father is out of ear shot.
" Ha would you prefer be a king, sitting around all day having to fix peoples silly problems" Loki suggests chuckling at his sister.
" No!" Raven snaps, " I want to be a knight, a great fighter like you and Thor" Loki grins at this subtle compliment. " You shall be whatever you desire little one, you just have to get past father"
" He doesn't scare me" raven pokes he noes up in confidence.
" Perhaps he should" Loki suggests as the leave the relics room, raven lost in thought as they do so.

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