Archer had been through numerous bad break-ups with the guy, and he didn't have time to prevent his friend from turning into a clingy, destined to be heartbroken guy while at the same time making sure that Alex was going to come back to Italy with them.

"Alex is on his way over here," Cole said in English, causing Archer to turn around in his spot to face the cafeteria doors, where Alex was indeed marching over to them.

"Be nice to him Archer. We want him to come with us, not murder us with a rusty fork," Carter heard Cole say.

"Yeah, yeah," he muttered.  

He kept his gaze on the approaching figure. The guy looked less uncontrollably angry, but Alex wasn't exactly happy as he reached their table, coming to stand over them, narrowing his eyes at Archer.

"I am going to tell you this once. Stay the hell away from Carter," Alex growled out, his expression turning something fierce.

"Oh Little One," Archer smirked, "it's funny how you think that I value your opinion."

Cole rolled his eyes. "We aren't going to hurt your friend, Alex. We are just giving you time to say goodbye. You don't have to worry about what we are doing."

Alex gritted his teeth and anger seemed to seep from his skin. "I don't trust you, and I don't like you."

"Well, that's too bad! I was hoping we could watch some rom-coms tonight and braid each other's hair!" Archer rolled his eyes as he spoke in a tone dripping with sarcasm.

"I'm serious, I won't go with you unless you leave him alone. I see the way you're looking at him. Don't get any ideas."

Archer didn't like that one bit. Being told what to do by Alex was like being given instructions by your little sister, and it only made Archer want to flirt with Carter right in his face. The look Cole was shooting him seemed to be a warning, so he didn't say anything.

"Your friend is not in danger," Cole repeated.

"He better not be."

"Sit down." Cole gestured to the spare space next to him, and Alex looked at the seat hesitantly for a moment before taking a seat.

"We aren't here to hurt anyone Alex, we just want you to come with us."

"I understand that, but I still don't want him," he gestured towards Archer, "around Carter."

"You're the one who ended it with him," Archer cut in, but Cole silenced him with a look.

"Understood," Cole told Alex. "but you have to understand that you only have a few weeks. You should get yourself ready to leave."

The anger left Alex's face and was replaced with something close to grief. Archer realised that this was the first time since they had first seen him that Alex actually looked like he understood he was really leaving.

"Fine. I'll come, just leave Carter out of it." Alex looked up then and got a strange look on his face. He then stood. "Two weeks, right?"

"Yes," Cole replied.


Alex walked away from the table, leaving Cole and Archer alone.

"Don't even think about doing anything with Carter," Cole said, his tone half demanding, half pleading. "We are getting somewhere with Alex, and if it keeps going like this then we will be out of here in no time, alright?" 

Archer couldn't help but feel some loss at the fact that he wouldn't be able to keep going with his plan to annoy Alex through dating Carter. It had seemed so perfect, he got to irritate Alex which was always fun, and he was able to get to know this somewhat mysterious boy.

He's a Jealous Wolf (BoyxBoy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu