Chapter 20

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A/N So sorry about not updating for a while, Was dealing with some issues, Hope this was worth the wait XD 

They all stay silent, I take a deep breath, still shaking in anger and sadness,

"Take me" I say out loud to my demon, They all look confused.

'T?' the shadow asks

"Now" I say through clenched teeth, The shadows Encase my form and I'm gone. People start to panic.

I re-appear on the roof of a building. I can see the school. I fall to my knees and let everything out, My anger, My sadness my shame? No it wasn't shame I was feeling, It was, freedom? I feel my eye burning slightly, I rub it but the slow burn continues, It wasn't painful just Uncomfortable.

'Huh?' I say

'It's fine' Mirai says, He then proceeds to tell me why, I look in my reflection from the metal railing, 

'Nice' I say with a slight, Disheartened chuckle, I sigh laying on my back staring at the sky. After about 10 minutes I go back, Everyone's still there, They all stare at me, My hair covering my eyes, I walk over to Akashi,

"Got a cocky remark?" He takes a step back and shakes his head, The rest of the generation do too.

"Kuroko?" Kagami asks,

"What?" I say back, anger clear in my voice, I'm trying to control it,

"Are you okay?" He asks, I lose my temper I stare at all of them

"I JUST WATCHED MY BEST FRIEND DIE IN FRONT OF ME FOR THE SECOND TIME, OF COURSE I'M NOT FUCKING OKAY" I yell, Surprising Kagami,and everyone else. He walks closer and pulls me into a hug, I tense for a second and then, I hug back Crying into him. This wasn't like me, But I lost all control when I saw his life slip away again, I lost everything, Again. My brother comes running,

"Tetsu? Tetsu?" He asks, I pull away from Kagami, And look at my brother He takes a step back.

"Dad!" He screams, My dad comes running with my mum, They gasp, everyone does. I smile slightly knowing why. My left eye, Not only is it black in colour, the same markings that litter my forearms crawl up my neck and left side of my face, This is the reason behind the slow burn "It only happens when I'm mad or fighting, Its not permanent... Apparently" I sigh then clench my fists

"Now what?" Kagami asks, looking back at the destroyed school. I smile madly, My brother looks worried,

"Now?" I say with a chuckle, Everyone stares "Now I fight the war I started" People look confused "Well I didn't start it, That FUCKER over there did" I point to the decaying corpse of the demon.

"Then" Kagami starts, The generation and the rest of Kagamis group step up "We'll fight along side you" He smiles, I sigh.

"I make no promises you will all live" I say "Is it worth it?" Kagami asks

"Of course it is, Friends don't let each other fight alone" I smile, Friends , I look at the generation

"You were an annoying piece of shit, I'll tell ya. But you're a good person, I'll fight by you" Akashi says, I smile

"Language" I mock, he smiles back, I look at my brother and parents, They smile

"Go" My dad says "Put an end to all of this, But you make sure. You come back" I smile and nod My brother steps forward

"You too?" I ask, He nods. I sigh and hand him the sword Mirai conjured for me when I fought Himuro, He takes it. I smile at everyone, I finally figured it out, what I was learning as I was here.

I know, I don't have to fight alone,

I look at my friends lifeless body, "I'll get 'em" I whisper "For everyone" I smile and we we all start to plan out next move, of course, Using My house as a base. They all seem passionate, I refuse to lose any of them, but I know they're good fighters, They'll make it.

'WE can protect them' Mirai says, I smile. Looks like we all changed, for the better. I stare at my father who's talking to everyone, I clench my fists and stare at the board. I smile,

Let the war begin.


And, that's it. Gonna make a sequel soon if ya want it? Thank you to anyone and everyone who read this story, Which I honestly thought wasn't as good as most on here. Sad to see this end to be honest XD.

Also, What chapter did you least like? And why? (This is just so I can improve things in the future)

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