Alex Calls Out Rile Ch. 9.3

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"Not like that, Alex," Gabe said.

You have sword fighting skills, the annoying voice in the back of her mind said. You were trained because...

Alex told the annoying voice to shut up. Not even for extra skills would she remember her past.

"She's doing fine," Rile said. "Show some more style, Alex."

Encouraged, Alex waved it some more. "Errol Flynn put one hand on his hip and used his other hand for the sword. I'm trying to remember how Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow used it."

"I don't know who Errol Flynn or Johnny Depp are, but that's not how we use a sword," Cale said.

"Alex, listen to us," Gabe said.

"Keep going, Alex," Rile cheered.

Alex swished and waved and brought the sword down. "Ow! Fire truck!" She winced, bent, and set the sword down on the ground.

"Are you all right?" Cale asked. "Please let me see."

"No, you can't see," Alex said and held her lower leg. "It doesn't hurt much. Just a scratch. I'm not that clumsy. Enhanced reflexes and all that."

"That is what comes of not listening to your instructors," Gabe said.

"That is what comes of listening to movies and Rile," Alex said. She looked up at Rile with a burning gaze. "I may not remember much, but I always remember who betrays me."

"Sorry," Rile said.

"Stuff your sorry's." Alex stood and turned away.

"I'll still kill Morgan for you," Rile said.

"Don't come near me until you have his head on a platter." Alex looked over her shoulder. "That's figurative. Leave his body where it lays."

She walked out the door, blood soaking her jeans.


That night, when they approached Alex's door, a small note fluttered on it.

The roof of the apartment building, if you dare, it said, I'll show you, Rile.

Rile crossed the street and climbed to the roof of the squat six story apartment building diagonal to Dr. Dewey's house. Zoning in New Orleans was erratic at best and poorly enforced. Just a few blocks away from the mansions on St. Charles were slums.

"She has courage." Cale followed.

"Wonderful," Gabe fumed. "Ill-tempered brother and poorly trained human. Perfect combination for disaster."

Alex, her arms crossed, stood on the far end of the rooftop, her outline betrayed by the holiday sparkler sparks dripping from her fingers.  They bounced merrily off her sides and danced on the ground before they died.

Gabe climbed up and had a clear view of Rile rushing Alex, knife drawn.  Rile slashed thin air because Alex had flown up with lightning speed. Rile searched the sky for her.  He was abruptly scooped off his feet and unceremoniously dumped a few feet away.  Alex's laughter tingled in his ears.

"Of all the dirty tricks," he yelled. He was rewarded with a sizzling blast to his rear that made him jump and yelp. "Stop running like a coward." Rile shook his fist at the sky.

"Coward?" Alex landed out of Rile's reach. "I thought the idea was to strike hard and get out of range until the next strike."

"That doesn't include flying," Rile protested.

"I don't have your training. Let a jury of your peers decide." She gestured to Cale and Gabe, and asked, "Can I fly or not?"

They took a second to reach a unanimous agreement.

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