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A/N: The text in BOLD is Skylar writing.


Daddy has his friends over tonight. They're in the den playing pool.

I should probably tell you what I look like. I'm five twn, medium build. I habe dark brown hair that sticks up all over the place. I'm not pale, but I'm not tan either, I'm sorta in the middle. My eyes are green with gold flecks in them. No one really knows about the flecks, the only person who gets close enough to see them is my father. Not that anyone know, but I'm quite strong. When I said I was medium build I meant I wasn't buff or skin and bone. My muscles are very definite. I have wash-board abs. My clothes hide my body quite well, whick works well for me becasue if a girl found out out about my muscle, she'd want to be my girlfriend and Daddy would kill both of us.

"Skylar!" That's Daddy.

As I walk into the den the smell of cheap cigars and rum hits me.

"There he is," Daddy says. "Come 'ere, boy." Oh, great, he's drunk. I walk over to hi . One of his friends, Tony, I think it is, wrapps his arm around my waist and pulls me onto his lap.

I try and get away from the man but he grabs hold of my throat.

"Stop struggling, boy," he growls into my ear. I hear Daddy laugh sop I know he won't hit me for not doing what he asked. I stop struggling, but don't relax. The man lets go of my throat.

"It's a pity about these scars," The man says, running his fingers along the scars from the beer bottle. His hand moves from my neck to my chest.

"Behave, Tony," Daddy says, smiling. I was right with his name. His hand moves over my chest. I think I liked it better wjen they just hit, now they feel me up too. I'm scared I'm going to end up the vitim of a gang-rape. Tony's hand moves down to my stomach.

"Your boy's getting a nice tight body, Jeff," Tony says to Daddy. The man's hand moves to my crutch. I squirm.

Daddy laughs and looks at his watch. "Skylar has school in the morning, so I have to take your toy away, Tony."

Tony pushes me off his lap. I land on my stomach.

All the men laugh.

"I'd like to see him like that without the pants," one of them says.

I look up at Daddy. He has his hand on his crutch.

Please don't, Daddy

"Have you done your homework?" I nod. "Right, go to bed and don't wake me up in the morning. Like I would. I get off the floor and run out of the den. I hear the men laughing behind me.

I run up stairs to mu room. I slam the door behind me and fall on my bed crying. I pick up the photos off my bed-side table. They're in a joined frame with hingers in the middle. The first picture is from before I was born. It's a picture of Mummy and Daddy. They're in a park somewhere with a mungral mutt. They look happy, even the dog seems to be laughing. Daddy's smile isn't like it is now. In the photo his smile is just happy; no underlaying tone. Just happy. He's looking at Mummy. Mummy's looking at the camera. Her eyes are like mine. With the gold and all.

Mummy's not in the second picture. That one is of me and Daddy. It's from before this. When I would run into his arms when he came home. we're at the beach in the photo. I think i'm about four. I'm sitting on Daddy's knee. He has his arm around me. Not like he does now. He's making sure I don't fall. Me and Daddy are both smiling. His smile isn't as big as it is with Mummy, but he's still happy.

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