Chapter 2, A Kid Named Max

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(Daniel's POV)

The camp looked run down when I got to the entrance. That was a good sign though because that meant that the children might be easier to manipulate. Low standards usually meant I could appeal to them easily. I walked under the sign that had the name Camp Campbell on it, however the 'bell' portion was scratched off. I held the newspaper with the help wanted ad on it in my hand, the paper was itchy and the ink was certainly getting all over my pale hands. The ad told me I had to speak with Gwen, I assumed she was a manager or someone of higher authority at this camp. I immediately spotted a cabin that said the words 'counselors' above the front door, it was still very early in the morning so I was hoping someone inside could direct me to Gwen. I approached the door and knocked, placing a huge smile on my face. A girl opened the door with a grouchy looking face. She had brown hair messily tied up, strands falling into her tanned face. She was wearing a green shirt with a pine tree design on it, and brown shorts.

"Umm... David I told you you had the week off, and why did you bleach your hair?" the girl asked me. I stared at her in a confused way and then handed her the news paper.

"I'm here to speak with Gwen about the opening for a camp counselor, my name is Daniel not David and my hairs always been blonde." I let out an uneasy laugh because I wasn't sure what to say really. I had no idea what this girl was talking about. She stared at me, paying close attention to my eyes and then laughed in a more uneasy way then I did.

"Whoops. Sorry it's a Monday, you look a lot like my co counselor David. I'm Gwen, it's nice to meet you Daniel." the girl introduced herself. I put the first interaction between us behind me and shook Gwen's hand, telling her it was nice to meet her. Gwen lead me inside the cabin and brought me over to a small desk on the other side of the room. On the left side there were two separate beds, one had a log on the floor beside it and the blanket laying on top had the same pine tree icon on it as Gwen's shirt. The other had purple sheets and nothing weird leaning up against the bed frame.

"Ok so I could give you a full on interview but I'm the only counselor here because the guy I mentioned earlier is taking his vacation days this week and the kids are going to be up very soon so how about this," Gwen passed me a piece of paper and a pen, pulling up a seat for me.

"Just fill that out, and then meet me in the mess hall ok?" she spoke, her voice was void of enthusiasm, but it didn't matter, she looked tired and upset. I thanked her and she groaned, walking out of the cabin and over to another part of the camp. I looked at the paper. It wasn't a normal application, it only had 5 questions on it; Full name, Date of birth, Work availability, SIN, and Signature. There wasn't even any questions about previous work experience or skills or nothing. This camp didn't seem like it was going to be very hard to get into. I quickly filled out the sheet, putting the pen back where Gwen had got it from and walking outside. I scanned the area for a building that said Mess Hall and soon enough found one. I walked over to it and opened the door, spotting Gwen trying to round up many children who didn't seem to be listening.

"For fuck sakes it's Monday just please listen to me!" Gwen shouted to a specific boy with dark skin and dark hair in a blue sweater. He was holding a fork in his hand, swinging it at Gwen.

"No! Now that David isn't here I'm going to fucking rebel!" the child shouted. Four kids who were behind him held their forks up high in the air, chanting along with the first boy. Gwen made fists with her hands and growled loudly at the children. I walked over in front of them and waved my hands.

"Whoa now children, don't you have any respect for your counselor?" I asked, the kid with the blue sweater immediately stopped what he was doing, looking at me in a very confused way. A girl with green pig tails shook her fork in the air.

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