{F} Affirmative ~ Soldier

Start from the beginning

You sighed, pulling out your pen and notepad. "It's showtime." You walked over to the table with a lovely smile on your face, and man did the whole table go silent.

"Hello and welcome gentlemen!" You greeted yourself joyfully. "My name is Y/N and I will be your waitress for today. Can I go ahead and start y'all off with anything to drink?"

The men asked for alcoholic beverages except for one who said, "I would like a Coke for tonight miss Y/N."

You looked at him with a small smile after writing it down, "I'm guessing you're the one driving tonight?"

The man smiled wide before chuckling, catching your eye immediately. "Gotta keep the boys in line somehow."

"Alright, I'll go get your drinks." You giggled, hurrying off to go prepare what they had asked for. Technically you could only get the coke, so you waited for the bartender to make everything else. It was a little bit since everyone ordered a little something different, so some came before others. With the last tray of drinks you came back to the table, handing them out to their designated spot.

"Are we ready to order or do we need five more minutes?" You ask, setting the tray under your arm for a moment. They looked at each other silently, and nodded their heads not long after. It was a long process but you eventually got around to everyone at the table. "Anything else for you guys?"

"I think we're good, but thanks sheila."

"No problem! It might take a little bit since it's a big order but I'll start bringing them out as soon as they get ready."

The man you spoke with earlier clasped his hands together, "Us mercenaries can wait, no need to rush."

"Mercenaries, it's my honor to serve you all." You said. "I was curious, since you guys look like you came from battle." A slight giggle came from you, as a small conversation erupted between you and the table of men. They all were very sweet, and you couldn't get over the accents some of them had. It was pretty amazing to get to know them with the little time you had. All of you burst out a laugh at what the man named Demoman had to say, before you waved them off with a, "Alright alright, lemme put your food up in the window."

You went to the kitchen and hooked up the paper of orders on a clip, not too long afterwards going back to the staff room. Surprisingly no one else has came in after your table, so you could relax for a hit since you weren't up in rotation. You went out to only stumble upon the two women you had beef with before.

"Hey Y/n. Hows our favorite mess doing?" The blonde said.

"Good." You stated with confidence. "The group over there are very sweet. I love nothing more than a handful of men I can carry out easily." You said afterwards.

"Oh please." The brunette huffed and rolled her eyes with annoyance. "Enough with the small talk. One more strike and you're out Y/n. Don't even think for one second that we forgot."

You crossed your arms with a raise of your brows. This conversation was either going to go like every other pep talk of the day, or into something much worse. The time where you tripped and drinks flew everywhere. Your boss said if something like that happens again, your gonna be out of a job. Of course they would bring it up, but then again who wouldn't if they didn't like you.

"I tired of both of you guys and your shit." You said pushing through them. "Fuck off, because the next time both of you mess with me, I'll find something for you to cry about."

You went to the counter and waited for your tables food. It was about fifteen minutes before some had started to roll out. It smelled so good that it had you practically drooling. Taking them out a couple at a time, you didn't realize that the two who hated you do much were cleaning some tables close to yours. Grabbing the last plates of food, you managed to ignore one of the girls you walked past. On the other hand, the second one was when you felt something under your foot.

"Nonono-!" You tried catching yourself, but it was too late. You yelped and the meals you had flew into the air. Stomach hitting the ground, you can hear the men a fee feet away from you gasp. Seconds later, you screamed as food fell on top of you and your clothes. That, was fucking hot. While the girls giggled silently behind you, the mercenary Soldier came to you and took off his jacket.

"Are you okay miss?! Lets wipe all this shit off!"

You nodded your head, cleaning yourself up with what you had and what help Soldier gave you. In an instant, you see the most deadliest stares in existence. Maybe it was because he fought and shit but damn, it legit scared you half to death and he wasn't looking at you.

"I saw what you bitches did." He said with a growl. "You both should be ashamed."

That's when your boss came out, and you felt so embarrassed. "What the hell is going on here?!?" He yelled, making you look at the ground.

"She fell and that man called us bitches sir." The blonde lied to his face.

You looked up to say something but your boss had beat you to it. Again, chewing you out in front of customers when it was just a mistake. And at that, not even your fault. "I can't deal with you making a mess around here. I have no choice but to fire you!" He said angrily shaking his head."

Soldier stood up straight. "You cannot fire this woman." He said boldly.

"People like her will make us go out of business." Your boss said. "I have no time to listen to some random man harassing my employees!" Soldier cracked his knuckles, causing your boss to slightly gasp and take a step back. People at the bar were looking the direction of the commotion, and soon there was a scene.

"Are you threatening me?" Your boss instigated. "I'll have the cops come and take your ass right now!"

"The cops? HA! Is he serious?" Soldier looked behind him to his men which all laughed. "I've played with babies like you before maggot. Just be glad I don't have my shotgun to your forehead."

Your manager asked one of the girls to call the police, making you wince and scramble to your feet. You did not wanna be involved and planned to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Hey, I have a question for you."

You turned to Soldier who had their hand put out to you, a small gesture with that and a smile. "How about fuck this place, and get a new job at our base?" He asked. Your eyes widened as he continued. "We need a little bit more help with stuff outside of battle, and you look the part. How about it?"

You thought and smiled, nodding your head and taking his hand. "I'm in!"

"Hot chick on board let's go!" The one named Scout said standing from his chair.

The men hollered and yelled cheers around the restaurant, Soldier practically dragging you out with his strong arm. "MAGGOTS! GET YOUR ASSES IN THE VAN AND STOP MESSING AROUND."

You winced from how loud he yelled, but soon recovered when he let go of you to the passenger side toor of the van. He snatched Scout and dragged him to the back, practically throwing him inside with the rest of the mercenaries.


You had gotten in the passenger side, while Soldier got in the driver's seat. With a nervous smirk you ask, "Is this something I'll get used to?"


Oh boy...

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