New home, new beginnings

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"Avery we're here".

I feel strong hands shaking my shoulders. I slowly open my eyes to see my dad's smiling face looking at me. I push his hand away and look out the plane window, great. I guess we were here. I could see the heathrow airport from where  I'm sitting. I slowly bend over and pull on my floral vans and pack my camera, iphone, and laptop into my carry on bag. My dad sighs and gets up to take out his carry on suitcase from the compartment above. 

"You could act a little more excited about being here Avery. You have to get used to it, its our new home", my dad mumbles. I looked straight at him with anger and say,

"No, this isnt our new home, its temporary for me. As soon as I can, I'm moving back to Toronto. " My dad sighs again and grabbs his stuff and starts to  walk to the front of the plane. I'm so angry. I don't want to be in London, I don't want to move away from my best friends, and I don't want a new mother or three new step brothers. I want my old life back. It was always just me and my dad since my mom died when I was four. I never felt like I was missing anything, and I had a pretty happy childhood. All of a sudden though, my dad got left on a  month long business trip and found a new family along the way. 

I look up to see how far my dad has gotten and I see him shaking the pilot's hand. My dad is a pilot and so every time we travel he pretty much knows all of the Air Canada staff. I grab my things and get up and run after him. When I catch up to him, we just continue on in silence. When we get to the bag pick up belt, I see my turquoise polka dot suitcase and I pull on my dad's sleeve and motion for him to get it. He laughs and grabs my suitcase. He hands it back to me and pulls me into a little side hug.

" I'm sorry that your upset Avery, but I promise you, your going to love it here. Just try to like it, be optimistic. Oh and by the way Laurel and I have a surprise for you at the house."  I feel kind of bad, because I am being a little bit of a brat. My dad has spent the last 13years alone, taking care of me and he deserved to be happy too. I sigh and put my head on his shoulder,

"Okay...I'll try" My dad spots our other suitcases and goes to grab them. He brings all six of them to our carts and puts three of them on mine. When all of our suitcases are safely attatched to the trolly we push them out into the the open airport. As soon as we get passed the glass doors, I see a woman run over to my dad and pull him into a huge hug and a peck on the cheek. They start talking and I awkwardly stand behind my dad. I look over his shoulder to see my soon to be step mom Laurel. She's prettier than I thought. She has shoulder length chestnut hair, and pretty green eyes and has a really cool style. Shes wearing a pretty printed dress that has red flowers on it and a lemon yellow blazer and flashy red heels. I can tell that she has expensive taste. She suddenly meets my eyes and pulls away from my dad and comes over to me. She smiles and says in a thick british accent:

"Hi sweety, you must be Avery? It's so nice to finally meet you. You're even more beautiful than your father described you!! I had so much fun putting together your new room, I asked your father for what you wanted and I hope you'll like it. Oh wow, i am so excited to bring you home and introduce you to your new brother, his name is Will and he is nineteen years old, so just bout two years older than you." I'm taken aback at how nice she seems and by all her fast talking. Shes not as bad as I had imagined her. I smile back and say:

"Thanks, its so nice to meet you too. I'm sure I'll love however you decorated my room, it was very nice of you." I try my best to make a good impression on her. My dad joins us and puts his arms around the both of us and says: 

"Come on, you two must be hungry its almost supper time lets go home."

I guess things arent going to be as bad as I thought. I smile a little and push my cart out the doors to the S.U.V parked out front. 

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