chapter 7

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Diana's p.o.v

I sat down in my office going through my company list, Harrison stood behind me looking with me while Arishina stood at the front of my desk.

"Umm...okay I think this material will be more good to use " I said pointing at one material.

Harrison looked closely then showed it to Arishina she nodded.

"You will help me ask Mr Jackson when he needs the other ...the show is tomorrow and i wouldn't want any mistakes...umm...mean me select the most beautiful dresses,shoes and bags ...and assembly all the models too pick the dress they would use for the entertainment" I said and Arishina nodded.

"Right on it ms hensmith" she said and left .

"Sweetpie, I think we should select those sexy looking models , not the female tho, their males, they have six pack and broad shoulders, killer body ....they will be awesome trust me " Harris said.

I Chuckled.

"Oh Harris....but we already got male perfect models, we don't need another ones" I said flipping through the design book.

"Well I thought you will just consider it tho" he said .

"Harris...I will think about it, but don't you think it's too late already to make a search, the concert is just Tomorrow" I said .

He took in a breath.

"Does people would definitely want money , I don't think any one would love to juggle their career for anything late" he replied.

Well his correct.
"Those same people can be exempted if not necessarily, and other information like this will get them in a state of diplomacy, they won't blink an eye for this opportunity sweetpie....take my word" he said .

I think deeply into it, Harrison might be very correct, I mean my work is so important to me.

"Okay ...give the oral company a call I need 5 of their male models ASAP" I said .

Harrison jumped up happily.

"That's my one and only sweetpie.."he kissed my cheek and I Chuckled.

There was a knock on the door .

"Come in" I said .

Arishina entered.

"Ms hensmith, there's someone here to see you " she said .

"Who? I aksed .

"He didn't say his name , but he said it's important he sees you " she said I nodded for her to let him in.

"Sweetpie, I will be at my office, just call me when you need anything" he said .

"Sure ," I kissed his cheek and he left.

I settled down and continue looking at the designs when a knock came in.

"Come in" I said not looking up, my eyes still glowed to me design book.

"'ve got a lovely place I must say " someone said and I quickly looked up and came face to face with ....what is he doing here?

He walked towards my desk and smirking.

"What the hell are you doing here" I yelled.

I was so angry, what the hell does he want now.

"Good day to you too, it was nice meeting you again ms hensmith" he replied.

The anger in me was already boiling, but I didn't miss checking him out, gosh he looked so handsome with his outfit,and he looks smooth and attractive, I suddenly tend to stop breathing well when ever I see him, at Least his eyes is so beautiful, but I can't tolerate him, his an arrogant person and his personality doesn't suit him that much for being a jerk .

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