chapter 3

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Diana's p.o.v

I and my friends got into the club, Abigail shoke her body at the music playing while we Chuckled, we head to the bar to get drinks.

"Whiskey" Sonia shouted so the bartender could hear.

"I don't want whiskey, I just want normal drink" I said aloud.

They rolled their eyes.

"Common girlfriend live life,stop being clouded in this little fantasy of yours ,enjoy your self, two short won't kill" Abigail said .

I rolled my eyes.

"I just want maltina " I told the bartender and he got my drink for me, I seriously don't want to get drunk,its not really my thing am too tired to start misbehaving.

After we chat and drank for a while, music filled the air Abigail and Sonia pulled me up from the chair and we went to the dance floor and started dancing, we were dancing with each other, Sonia started twerking for me I laughed and tweaked too, Abigail started Rocking me from behind which means am in their middle, .

Abigail pulled me to her and started whispering something to my ear that some guy was looking at me I rolled my eyes and chuckled, who cares.

We danced and danced music after music changing, I got tired so I excused myself to rest for a while, while Abigail and Sonia were still dancing on the stage with the others, I sat at the bar and just watch them .soon I started uprating my phone.

Shion's p.o.v

As I and my friends walked into the club, music was already everywhere,we made our way and sat down, we ordered drinks and a lady sexily walked towards me making sure her boobs showed well, I smirked at her, and she sat beside me exposing her labs for me to look at and pushing out her boobs so I could see well.

Every girl wants me, that's so grippy and cheappy.

"Hi handsome, why don't you have me for tonight? She asked biting her lower lip and touching all part of her body .

"I can give it to you in so many ways without knocking out" she whispered.

Really, what is she ? An iron woman or super girl gosh, this girl can kill me on bed.

"Look over there," I pointed behind her she turned.

"I think that guy needs attention" I said , I really want her to leave,she turned back to me with an angry face I raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever" she scoffed and left, I Chuckled, Alex , Peter and James aint even here again.

I took my glass drink and sip from it, keeping my eyes on the dance floor, then suddenly my eyes caught a very beautiful lady in a blue body hug dress,damn she's so sexy, she was Dancing with two more girls and.......they are kind of dancing wired.

I watch them closely and saw the other lady twerking for the the blue lady and she laughed then she started twerking for the one behind her , the one behind her pulled her face back and .....wait....are they kissing?😳 What's going on?

After they part the girl in blue chuckled and the other two chuckled too and they continued dancing with their bodies Touching, W T F , this is the first time in my whole life am seeing lesbian's.

I kept watching them untill the lady in blue went to sit, the other two girls started dancing with each other while the blue lady smiled at them, soon she didn't look at them again and she started uprating her phone.

I felt like going to her, but she's a lesbian I don't think it's even normal for me to go, no I will just seat back, but my mind wouldn't let me , I made a sign for the bartender to come and he quickly came I told him something and he nodded after I showed him the lady in blue , he left and I watch them.

Diana's p.o.v

I was uprating my phone replying to my brothers text messages when the bartender dropped a glass of drink in my front, I looked from the glass and to him., I didn't order for drink and besides it seems like it's whiskey.

"Ummm...why is it here? I asked .

"Someone asked me to give you mam" he replied.

I looked at him confused, someone?

"Who? I asked.

"That man behind you mam" he pointed and i turned to see a very gorgeous looking man looking at me and sipping from his drink.then he stood up and started walking towards me.

Once he reaches me he sat beside me

"Excuse me I didn't ask you for a drink " I said not trying to sound rude.

"I know, I was just wondering you sat alone doing nothing so I thought you might needed the drink " he said .

I squeezed my Brows , do I look like I can't afford to buy drinks myself.

"Well thanks for the drink but I can get for myself" I said uprating my phone back.

"'s just a little offer , or would you have preferred a lady of your kind get drink for you? He asked .

I quickly looked up, what does he mean by that .

"Excuse me, what do you mean, lady of my kind? I asked .

"Why are you pretending like you don't understand me, I saw you on the dancefloor with the two other girls, and you still don't get ? He asked .

I looked at him angrily, then it clicked oh my God, what is he trying to say .

"Look here Mr man, you better mind your business" I said angrily.

He smirked.
"No need getting upset lady, but don't you think it's more appropriate if you girls do that in private, I mean your in a crowd and am sure am not the only one to saw it" he said .

Oh my gosh, his calling me a lesbian, this guy is crazy .I angrily got up.

"Listen and listen Carefully...Mr whatever your name is, I don't know you and I don't know what you want, but I won't seat here and let you insult me, so enjoy your self" I said took my purse and about to leave but he grab my hand .

I turned to him angrily.

"Why are you not comfortable due to the fact I know your a lesbian? He asked .my mouth hanged open.

"If you don't want anyone to know then why are you and your girlfriend's making out on the dancefloor? He asked.

Oh my gosh, make out? What is he saying I pulled my hand from his grip.

"I can see that your drunk , mind you Mr man...don't push it" I warned .

"Really, so your ashamed to admit your a lesbian? He asked smirking.

That was it , I took the drink and at once I emptied the whole content on him, his eyes wide with shock.

"What the fuck" he cursed.

"Thanks for the drink , Mr arrogant bastard" I said and walked away.

I walked out of the club and called Abigail to come out cause am leaving, they hurried out and we zoomed they asked why I was so mad and suddenly want to leave .

I explained to them and they gasp.

How can that son of a bitch call me a lesbian? Who the hell is he? Rubbish.

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