Randomness by Purple Girl

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Girrafes are yellow. Bur my favorite color is blue. So all giraffes must die. And I am looking to you to help me do that. But there is one question. How shall we terminate the giraffes? Well to answer this question I have a few considartions. Now for starters I have been thinking of a method that will take action by tricking the giraffes by dressing up as their kind. All the fake giraffes will state their names as "The Overssers". We shall earn the trust of the giraffes and crowd them into one small area. Afterwards we will wait a few years, letting them believe their community is a safe place. Then, we will drop a bomb. With our names embedded into it. This is one of my plans and quite frankly my best. Come together all and help me rid the world of giraffes. Also just to put it out there, anyone got any meth?

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