She sat up and hugged me tightly, "I love you too, Yang." She whispered softly into my ear. I nuzzled my face into her wet yet wild raven hair and brought up my hand taming the hair. "Your hair is a mess." I stated with a small smile etched onto my face. She giggled softly into my ear. I held her for awhile longer and her skin was ice cold.

"I'm going to get some blankets and pillows and we'll go to bed, but before that we'll take a bath so you can warm up, you are ice cold. Stay here by the fire would you love?" She nodded her hair bouncing with her head.

I go to the bathroom and start a bath adding some bath bubble soap scented like honeysuckle and mix it with the water. I then go to the bedroom closet grab some clothes and towels and set it in the bathroom and then came back and grabbed as much blankets and pillows as I could. I make my way back to the living room to see Blake curled up on the floor her hair spread out around her head like a halo. I smile at her, my angel. I drop the pillows next her and I shake her.

"Blake, Love. You have to get up so I can set everything up, the bath should be ready soon." I shook her shoulder and this time I noticed her skin hasn't warmed up even with being as close to the fire as she was. Fear coursed through my veins, "Blake..?" I questioned softly on the verge of crying.
I turn her so that her back is parallel to the floor and place my ear on her chest.

A heartbeat.

And a breaths were being taken, shallow and barely there but existent. I picked her up and quickly went into the bathroom. I sat her gently her body leaning against the wall. "I'm sorry love, I hope you won't kill me over this." I undress her and place her in the bath, the water is now a little more on the warmer side. "Stay here, I'll be back." I kiss her forehead. And I make my way out of the bathroom and took one last glance at her before I sped down the hall looking for my dad. "Dad!" I yelled, hoping for a response or at least a grunt from the old man.

But there was none.

I searched everywhere in this cabin. I looked and I looked literally everywhere but the house was empty leaving us as the only occupants in the house.

"Yang?!" I hear Blake call out.

I quickly ran towards the bathroom gasping for air. "Blake? Are you okay?!" I see her eyes widened and full of fear. I came up to her and gripped her head to my chest, not caring that her wet locks drenched my almost dry shirt.

"Yang, I'm fine." She replied almost immediately as to seeing my state. She motioned me to let go of her head as I was holding her tightly. She then reach up to my face and I lowered my head, on hand on each side of my cheek.  "Yang, I thought you left me. I thought you...I thought you-" I cut her off with a kiss, it was perfect as always, this time though it felt more special. "Blake, shhh it's okay." I kiss her mouth once more and moving her wet hair out of her eyes, which seemed duller but still had warmth swirling around her amber eyes.

She sighed and looked down and then blushed. " did I-" I let out a chuckle and scratched the back of my neck and stepped away from her slightly. "Your clothes were wet and you weren't breathing and really cold and I got scared. So I brought you here and undressed you." She gave me a stern glare but softened it as a small smile graced her face. "That's okay." She said as she reached for my hand and kissed it.

I should probably go make her some hot chocolate or sone tea, something to warm her up, her hand was still cold. I send her a smile before I turn around and start to head towards the kitchen before a voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Yang," I turn around and furrow my eyebrows in a silent question of 'what's wrong'," don't leave me. Please don't. I don't think I can handle you being out of my sight even if we are in the same building. Not after what," she stopped herself and took a shaky breath in," not after what happened to today. Plus you need to warm up, too." She reached out for my hand and I met her half way.

I shook my head and replied," I'm not going to leave you. I'm sorry." I kissed her forehead and continued. "We had one hell of a ride, huh." She looked up to me, lavender and amber clashing each other.

I took off my clothes and Blake watched with lust filled eyes and when I made eye contact with her, she blushed and looked away. "It's all yours love." I reached down and kissed her deeply. "Can you stand?" I asked and she nodded and reached down to turn of the water as it was getting full. I sat down in the tub and she then sat between my legs, warmth surrounding us. I then blush because I take up most the space in the tub and even with Blake's small frame it doesn't leave a lot of space for her.

Blake's melodious laughter fills the bathroom. I laugh too, until we both end up laughing. We soon got out of the bath tub as soon as we saw that our hands were pruny. We both dried our selfs off and changed into the clothes that sat at the top of the vanity counter.

We went back to the living room and sat in the couch that was straight in front of the fireplace that was still burning and warming the cabin.
I looked at Blake her eyes staring into the fire.

"Blake," she hummed in response and looked at me," How did you find me? I mean like why would you jump in with me? You could've gotten hurt or worse."

Blake broke eye contact with me and fiddled with her hands and looked up at me and opened her mouth and then looked down and closed it. She didn't have an answer to my question. Almost like she couldn't answer my question.

Blake got up and walked to the fireplace. My eyes watching her every move as her feet gracefully walked until her hand touched the bricks of the fireplace.

"It was as if I knew you were there," She started out, the fire from the fireplace danced in reflection onto her amber eyes,"something was pulling me there. And then I saw you go under and that's when I knew I was right to follow the pull. I panicked, I guess. Called it instinct, maybe? I guess my body went to overdrive and jumped into the water and was trying to swim towards you." Blake's face glowed as the light of the fire hit her face when she looked at me. Her tears gleaming down her face.

"Yang," she said as she sniffled and cried," I'm sorry I had caused you so much pain." She falls to the ground on her knees, her hands covering her face as she starts sobbing into them. I felt my mouth quiver and my body freeze up, her sobs got louder and that's what snapped me out of my shocked state.

I quickly run off to her and hug her as we both sob together in each other's arms. We will be together forever I finally get my happy ending I thought as I let sleep take me with Blake in my arms.

Really sorry about the whole long af wait I had no idea how to end the story it took me forever just to think off one I hope you guys enjoyed it and see you guys later~Asher

My Fair Lady (Bumblebee) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now