Chapter 4 - The Escape

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Nothing to say. I'm not going to stall anymore

Escaping was short lived. Again, three guards burst through the door, took one look at the dead SkyWing guard, and each grabbed a prisoner.


Qibli was swinging his tail dangerously. Moon was building up fire.

"What a shame," Barb said as he came in. "You are now going to the third level where you will have a different warden."

Moon's fire was built up, so she blasted it at one of the guards. The guard ducked, and whacked Moon with her tail.

Pain flared through her left leg.

"Well," Barb said. "Down you go."

Moon was knocked out again.

When she woke up, she was in another cell, will even more shackles. Qibli and Dusk were on either side of her. Moon realized that there was angry shouting out side the cell.

Then, a shadow burst into the room.

"MOON, QIBLI, DUSK!" Kinkajou cried.

"You found them?" A voice that sounded like clay asked.

"UUMMPH!" Dusk tried to say. "ERMPH DUMPH UPH!"

Clay walked into the room, carrying keys.

He unlocked Moon's shackles first, the Dusk's, then Qibli's.

"THANK YOU!" Dusk cried

Moon then heard a voice, like the one she heard before.

They escaped, it said. But they have no idea what is going to happen.

"Let's get out of here," Moon said.

They emerged into the bright sunlight.

Then, a voice, deep and old, came from behind them.

"Escaped I see," it said.

They turned around, but not fast enough. The dragon whacked Kinkajou and Qibli with his tail, which had armor. He kicked Clay and whacked Moon with his tail. Moon felt a sharp pain on her left wing, and fell to the ground.

I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED! I will maybe update later today. But see you around!

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