Chapter 2

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Climbing out when they got to the Warner's, Adair pulled his bags out from between the seats with him, taking in the two-story family home with whitewashed siding and bay windows and front and back porch and two decks on the second story. It was no fancier than any other average suburban home. At least in so far as the outside showed.

"Lea, why don't you show Adair around?" Caleb asked as he walked in after Adair with Lea, heading into the kitchen without waiting for an answer while Lea walked up a flight of stairs just off of the living room, Adair following behind, up the stairs and into a room that sat on the left side at the end of the long, narrow hallway.

There was a queen-sized bed with dark blue patterned bed sheets tucked into one corner next to one window with an end table next to it on the other side. On one side of the room was a mahogany desk with a matching mahogany chair while opposite the desk on the same side as the bed was a mahogany dresser.

Kicking off his shoes to lay next to his bags, he flopped onto the bed, looking at Lea as she slid herself down against the nearest wall, both legs against her chest as she looked back at him.

"How did you get a name like Adair?"

Adair looked down at her. "I don't know." He laughed.

Lea frowned, chewing on her lip in confusion. "You don't even know where you got your name? How long have you been doing this foster thing?"

He shrugged. "Since I was a baby?" He said it as question in reply to her own, but really he didn't know exactly how long he'd been doing 'this foster thing' as she'd called it. Even his earliest house memories had involved moving.

"Was it always you?"

"Not always. Sometimes it was them, but sometimes it's also been me." He smiled innocently at her after he said that, and she laughed.

"Do I have to keep an eye on you?" She asked him with a teasing tone to her voice and he continued to smile innocently at her, stretching out on the bed before tilting his head to her.

"Would you like to?"

Lea giggled and put a hand to her face, turning her head away from him. "Are you always such a tease?"

"Always. What about you?"

"Am I always such a tease?"

"That and how long have you been doing this foster thing?"

"I can be and... I've only done the foster thing once." She lowered her head to her chest where her knees still bunched up against her, eyes flitting up to his almost sheepishly. Adair laughed and her head perked up to him, as if not expecting the laugh.

"Once and you act like you should be doing it more. Should I be keeping an eye on you?" It was his turn to lower his head and lock his brown eyes down to hers, a smirk crawling up over his lips until she jutted out a knee and kicked one of his.

"Ow! What was that for?" He rubbed his knee where she'd kicked him.

"Oh my God, you are such a baby. I didn't even kick you that hard." She laughed at him, long waves of brown hair falling over her face as she stretched out to hide her face from him. "That was for being a tease, you tease."

A cough came from the entrance and they looked up to see Caleb standing there balancing a box of pizza on one arm as he leaned against the door frame. Staring at them with a strange expression on his face of both parental concern but also amusement. It was obvious he was trying not to encourage more of this but that it was obvious to him was still amusing regardless."Do I need to keep an eye on you both?" He asked them with a teasing tone; although something in the midst of the teasing told them he wasn't completely joking, but the amusement pulling at the corners of his lips was telling them this was something he was having a hard time being completely serious about.

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