Lapis Lazuli

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I look around me, seeing five confused faces staring back. I haven't answered any of the questions that they were asking and I know that I'll have to do it now. Garnet, Pyrope, Pearl and I sit on the couch while Amethyst and Steven share the coffee table.

After a moment of silence, Pyrope finally says, "Now are you going to tell us how you know Lapis?"

I nod and think of how to start. "I'm... not really sure where to start..."

"The beginning would be nice." Amethyst commented and I give her a quick glare.

"Well, Tanzanite's are made to help other gems with their mind, emotions, basically anything that's bothering them. We listen to the gems problems and figure out how to fix them."

"So what does that have to do with Lapis?" Steven asks.

"I met her through an appointment that she set up. I can't tell you much about her past, it's not my place, but she did come around about everyday. Most of the time, it was only to come over and tell me about her day, or what she wanted to do later. She was a newly made gem, two thousand, or so, years younger than me. I didn't want her to become brainwashed by Homeworld, so I helped her."

"So you two were friends?" Pearl asks, and I purse my lips, thinking.

"I... wouldn't say friends. Of course, we are very close, and I care very much for her. But, I was there to take care of her. We had a relationship that was more like Steven and you three."

I see Stevens eyes light up when he understands what I meant. "So you were like her mom?"

"I don't know what that is. But if you think I was, then I probably was like her mom."

I see Pyrope grow just a little dissappointed and she says, "I've never heard you bring her up."

I shift uncomfortably, feeling bad that all my secrets are suddenly being thrown at her. "By the time I met you, Lapis hadn't come to see me in a little more than a year. I had no idea where she was, and I couldn't bring myself to talk about her. I'm truly sorry I haven't brought her up with anybody, it just hurt too much to think of her."

Pyrope places a hand on my back and looks at me with pained eyes. I knew she hated when I was hurt and she couldn't help, what's even worse is that I hid it from her.

"We can talk later?" She says softly, and only Garnet, who was sitting next to us, could hear her. I nod and she smiles, still resting her hand on my back.

Garnet turns to Steven and says, "It's late. Time for you to go to bed, Steven."

Steven tries to protest, but his yawns cover up his words. He walks sleepily up to his bed and immediately falls asleep. I look towards Pyrope and she understands without me having to say anything.

"We'll be back by the morning." I tell the others, and I take Pyropes hand.

I lead her out of the house and onto the quiet beach. The city was deserted, everyone in their homes and asleep. We walk to the water and I watch the waves.

"So you're happy you found Lapis?" Pyrope asks, and I smile, looking at her with a confused expression.

"Of course. I'm happy and relieved that she's still alive. It's just... she's been through a lot since the last time I saw her. It changed her, almost broke her. I have no idea how she's managed to stay so strong."

I blink back tears, looking back at the water and Pyrope sqeezes my hand.

"Hey, don't cry. You said it yourself, she's strong. And you're here to help her now, so she's not alone."

I look back at her with a small smile. "You're right."

She answers with a toothy grin and pulls me in for a kiss.

It was only about a second, but I could already feel us starting to fuse.


I stare at the starry sky, then the dark blue waves. It's been a while since I've seen the beach, and I think it looks even better at night. I look down at the water, seeing the moon's reflection above my own. Hesitantly, I brush the bangs out of my face, seeing what I actually look like for the first time.

Only... one eye?

I guess so... I expected something different.

I see a dark black eye staring back at me and smile. I don't know what I was expecting, well, I do know. I thought I would have more than one eye, but at least this wasn't too bad.

Maybe it does what my eye does.

Control people?

No, it might change color throughout the day. My eye starts as a light blue, then darkens to black. Maybe hers starts with a purple color, then black.

There's only one way to find out.

I smile, realizing that this meant I could stay the whole day. Looking back to the house, I see someone making their way to the door. I cover my eye and walk to another part of the beach, happy to be alone and just be myself for right now.

It only takes a few minutes until I hear someone walking over to me. Footsteps. Stop. Then more footsteps. I glance over to see Garnet making her way over to me, a smile appearing on her face.

"Hello." She says when she reaches me. She sits in the sand, like I am.

"Hello Garnet." I say with a smile. It's been a while since I last saw her, and I wish I didn't have to be away from everyone for so long.

"Its nice seeing you back here." She says looking out at the ocean.

I smile and look out at the water as well. "Its nice being back. I should be around for a while too."

Garnet looks back at me with a big smile. "Good, I'm sure the others will like seeing you again."

I nod and we both watch the waves, a comfortable silence falling between us.

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