Part 1 - Imprisonment, Chapter 1 - Oh No

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HELLO EVERYONE! Thank you for reading this book. Its my 2nd book but not in the Twins of the Night series. This book completely ignores Darkstalker and events of books 7-10+. NOW ON TO THE STORY!

It was after history class that Kinkajou stopped being exited for it. Webs had finally bored Kinkajou as well as Moonwatcher. Moon and Kinkajou were walking to the prey center. As they got there Qibli and Winter were bickering again.

"That is MY cow. I am the NEPHEW of QUEEN Glacier!" Winter shouted.

"But I don't care," Qibli said back.

"Ugh," Moon said. "AGAIN?"

Qibli saw Moon and immediately shut up, Winter soon after.

"Hey Moon," Qibli said as if nothing happened.

"You two need to stop fighting everyday!" Moon said.

"But HE started it!" Winter said.

"You are NOT a baby Winter," Moon said.

Winter gave her his, Queen-Glacier-will-know-about-this-look, and hissed. Then he stalked off back to his cave. Kinkajou went to the fruit pile, leaving Moon and Qibli alone.

"And your not a baby either, Qibli," Moon said, receiving Qibli's, I-am-hurt, sarcastic face.

Ever since all of Moon's friends got skyfire, Moon's life became peaceful. Other dragons thoughts easily faded into the background.

"So," Qibli said. "Winter is an ice cow."

Moon couldn't help but giggle at Qibli's crazy grin as he said that.

"Am I that funny looking?" Qibli joked. "I don't have seaweed on my tail like Turtle once did. Hmm. DID I LEAVE MY PINK EARRING ON?"

Moon also laughed at that one. Qibli's grin got even crazier. Then Moon realized that everytime she was near Qibli, she got this weird feeling. Like a warm tingling. Moon couldn't figure out what it was exactly, but it felt nice somehow.

Get the SandWing first, then get the NightWing, A sudden voice echoed around Moons skull.

Is someone planning a kidnap? Should I tell Sunny or Tsunami? Or should I wait?

"QIBLI," Moon said suddenly.

"What?" He replied. "Too much?"

"Someone is planning a kidnap I think."

Qibli's face straightened out.

"Kidnap who?"

"They said something about a SandWing and NightWing," Moon told him.

"You check on the NightWings and I'll check on the SandWings," Qibli told her. "Meet back here."

Qibli flew to the far end of the prey center. Moon went to the art cave, were Mindreader was a lot. Then, all Moon saw was black.

Sorry for the short chapter. But not so much the cliffhanger. I will try to update as much as possible. I will try to make a few chapters this weekend after I finish all of my homework. See you soon!

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