Part of the past

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Sorry about all the terrible grammar and writing in the first part, I'm new at this ;)


Once I've decided that I can't keep killing people, I tried animal blood. First, I tried a squirrel. It was extremely salty-probably because of all of those nuts - I though to myself. Next, I tried a frog, well - I tried. I slit it open with my pocket knife and it was just too slimy and weird smelling. Then, I ran up the hill, out of the forest, to my house. I went to my fathers room and snuck out a rifle. I ran back out of the house - luckily for me, he was still asleep from reading the newspaper. I skipped down the hill and back to the forest and ran down to the little pond I made when I was little. I though that maybe I could attract a little ant farm, too bad I didn't know they eat dirt. After I was at the

Little pond, I sat there waiting for some kind of animal to cross by. I was really hoping for a rabbit or a duck, but I found a deer, even better. I shot the best I could. Apparently my aim was really off because I think I hit its leg. It ran away and uh oh.. My dad heard it. He ran out of the house yelling "Who's out there! This is my property, not yours!" I guess he didn't know it was me. He probably didn't realize that I was gone. I quietly just ran off wishing that he couldn't hear me. "Vivian!! Where are you! Get home now, there's someone in the woods!" Vivian's dad yells. "I'm alright dad!!" Vivian screeched. "Vivian! What are you doing out there! I said get out of the woods! There's a gun!" "Dad! I know! And I'm fine! Don't worry about me! Go back in the house!" I don't know how he figured I was out here, but thank goodness he didn't come looking for me! I started to think, 'my life actually depends on how I'm going to do this. I have to find some kind of animal before I go. I'm starving!' So, I started running for a lake. The lake was somewhat clear, and it was possible for some kind of animal to stop for a drink.

*half hour later*

Later, Vivian's dad, Noah, come running outside looking for her. "Vivian! It's five o'clock! Come on inside for dinner and your shower!" "okay dad! I'll be there in a minute!" Right before I got up, I heard a stick pop. Quietly and gently, I get up and walk a little bit closer. Right in front of me is a rabbit. I slowly walk a little closer, and I jump up to catch it. I caught it by one of its back legs and it constantly kept biting me over and over again. I ended up yelling 'ouch!' Really loud and I dropped the rabbit and ran back inside leaving the rifle behind me. I'll have to come get it later so dad doesn't see it, but I need to make it fast so he doesn't notice it being gone. So with that, I'm inside the house eating dinner. My dad warmed up some fried chicken from last night, and made some macaroni and cheese tonight. I couldn't wait to start eating because it just smelled so good. I forgot for a moment that it wouldn't fill me up,but then I grew a huge grin that filled up my whole face. I had just realized-, I can eat anything I want to and still not get fat. My stomach would feel empty until I had blood. Then I broke out laughing, with my dad looking at me with the strangest smile on his face."what's so funny Susan?" "Uhh it was something someone said at school yesterday." I said feeling with guilt. I normally never did lie to my dad every since my mom had died a few years back. She died because there were some people on the road that shouldn't have been there and she got pushed off a bridge. And she died because, well... She wasn't a vampire like my dad and I. My dad still doesn't know about me being a vampire though. I don't know when to tell him. My mother left him from us being weird and all because of our skin turning lighter than normal and not even tanning. My mom was always trying to gain custody of me, and eventually she did. I lived with her for three years. After she died I automatically went back to my dad because of her death. I was glad I got to come see my dad though. I missed him a lot.She thought he was doing something to my food, but he wasn't. He always wondered about me too, but is just decided to keep that to myself. I'm just scared that telling him would be a risk. He has practically told his whole side of the family and I don't want anyone to know about me. It was just a little different, or maybe just really weird to go up to someone and say 'oh, hey. Um, I'm a vampire.' I mean, I'v tried telling my friend a while ago, but she just looked at me and laughed like I was crazy. It was kind of offensive. She was telling me things like 'and I'm a frog.' She would make jokes and bully me, and that's when I decided to just stop trying. Maybe telling people the truth about me wasn't the right thing to do. Every since then, I stopped making new friends. It was too hard to hold back a huge secret to someone so close to me. I'm having a hard enough time keeping it away from my own father.

After dinner, I got into the shower and took about twenty minutes, I tried shaving my legs but I realized my leg hair wasn't growing, neither was my armpit hair. I was thinking 'umm, ew.' And I know, it's really disgusting. So I washed my hair and body and got out. As soon as I got out, I got dressed and ran to my room to do my hair. After all of that, it was only 8:30. Surprisingly, my dad was already in bed. He normally went to bed at about midnight, but if guess he was just tired today. Then I realized, this is my chance to get that rifle back before someone notices. So, I quietly walked to the back slide door and ran down hill to the woods. I was kind of worried that my pajamas would get green smudges from the grass all over them, so I tried to stop running, but the hill was too steep. At least gravity is attracted to me.


Random line of nonsense ^^^

Sorry his is kinda Boring, but I promiseeee! It WILL get better. And on June 3 or may 29, I have to turn my iPad back in. (School's iPad) but yeah, please keep reading onto the next chapter. It will be better within the next days

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